Have you got a hankering to watch the best viking movies ever made? Good, because I just listed the top 10 movies featuring the seafaring scandinavian warriors. Let me know what you think of the list, and what viking films rank highest for you. Also, let me know what facts I got wrong or names I mispronounced. Also, it’s been brought to my attention that this video contains a few SSSPPOOOIIILLEERRRSSS. So be warned.

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To watch the movies featured in this list in full, check out:
Stara Basn
Outlaw: The Saga of Gisli
Dragens Fange



  1. I watched the 13th Warrior with my father and it was my first rated R movie because my mom was away that night loll , my dad let me stay up and have a father son night, I have such a good souvenir of that one. One of my favs and I still watch it from time to time 🙂

  2. Viking (2016) is a very nice movie too – if you don't watch, or ignore the last 10 Minutes. The costumes and scenery are very nice. The story, for me, was partially a bit hard to follow. This may derive from the russian narration style.

  3. The very first adventure film: The Long Ships. Really uneven acting, lame depiction of Moors, and FX guys that don't understand the density of gold, but high on the swashbuckle factor.

  4. My list includes Richard Widmark in "the Long Ships" it may stretch the range of the Vikings to the limit interacting with the king of an Arabic kingdom looking for a mythical great golden bell, but it still has some of the flavor of "the Vikings" with a bit more humor.

  5. Awesome list.. but why is this your only video? Are you alive? Still interested in Youtube?

    Sure hope so, would be interesting to hear your thoughts on other films and perhaps the Vikings series.


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