Theon Begins his Decent. This video also turned out well. Alfie Allen plays the sex addicted and impetuous Theon Greyjoy.



  1. Theon, ned and the hound have the best actors.. the rest was just great writing… feeling a way about someone in the books is one thing. It being brought to another level in the show was amazing

  2. You should every single scene or at least give us two vids one with every single clip and one with your own story made. I want to see every single clip eventhough it may not be relevant to the movie you're creating

  3. the part when theon heard the horn blower and had to suppress his annoyance before continuing with his story lmao 47:16

    alfie allen really did a great job playing this complex character, by the 7th season it was wonderful seeing him rise and find his own identity.

  4. Muthafuckaz are feeling sorry for Theon's dickless ass but i say FUCK THAT TRAITOR the way he turned on the Starks was really fucked up and he got EVERY FUCKIN THING he deserved. Ramsey did a great job on his ass even tho he himself was a sadistic individual. Theon will be traumatized for life and will think about the Starks every time he sees a piece of pussy he wants but could NEVER get😄😂😂😂😂LOYALTY is as powerful as love💯he should've kept his loyalty to the Starks because they didn't treat his ass like a prisoner when he basically was one. He was treated fairly well. So fuck sympathizing with Mr. No Nuts😏

  5. Alright I'm sorry but what the FUCK is wrong with the first girl he has sex with? She looks autistic and I'm sorry but she has the wierdesttttt boobs I've ever seen damn where did they find her

  6. It was a poor choose of words on Theon's part to suggest the Greyjoy 'pledge fealty' to the Starks and the Starks will 'give' them Casterly Rock. Its good writing i suppose, because Theon was a character good with words and quick of wit, but one could only imagine the among of pressure crashing down at him in the present of his father, whom Theon is so eager to impress.

  7. I have to say, I missed his Season 1 haircut. It really gave him that mischievous scamp look. But I guess the shorter crop was pretty suitable here, since this is when sh!t begins to get real for him. The copper armor was gorgeous as well, even if it goes against Greyjoy colors.
    Speaking of, those family scenes were painful. Aeron's addition would've made it more so.~

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