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  1. U think there's any chance that he is secretly making his own undead army? Like what he did to The mountain. Perhaps underground in the dark passages he has taken the research from creating instead mountain and has since been making more….. maby that's why they were stressing the million population recently… perhaps he will turn each and every person in kings landing into undead

  2. Looking at Qyburn's work from the perspective of the symmetry between ice and fire, I wonder if The Mountain was brought back using fire magic, in a similar way to how the whitewalker are created from ice magic. If that were the case, it would be natural to assume he used wildfire, but what if he had access to dragon fire? could Qyburn be planning some sort of fire-fuelled walkers that will face off against the whitewalkers?
    This would also fit with the Clegane symmetry. In s07e07, Sandor tells Gregor that they both know who's coming for him. If The Mountain was brought back with wildfyre magic, it would make sense that he would be put out of his misery by a White. Conversely, Sandor has been touched by fire, so it would fit if he received some sort of healing from the ice side.

  3. I've always seen him as being a take off on Dr. Faustus/Dr. Frankenstein. I actually feel that Qyburn is in love with Cersei in his own way. Not that he would ever try to express this to her in a way that was improper.

  4. The truth of Qyburn: another adapted character who gets way too much screen time than he deserves. At least his arc is not as whimsical and broken as that of Bronn's.

  5. actually, the real SCIENTIFIC truth (ie supported by empirical research, do your own danm research if you wanna learn more) is that as herd animals were are evolutionarily hard-wired toward reciprocal altruism, not selfishness. selfishness is a product of counter-socialization SO in some cultures selfishness is a value that is considered "human nature" while in others selflessness is considered "human nature". the societies where selfishness is considered "human nature" tend to be individualist cultures (ie, western/european cultures). this is a very new development when contrasted with our species' overall evolutionary and sociocultural development that is correlated with the industrial revolution and consequent capitalist developments. the cultures that tend toward selflessness or the group, tend to live in ways closer to our evolutionary origins (tribal hunter/gatherer; semi-pastoralists and cultivationists not agriculturalists).

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