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  1. Michonne will be the one to hurt the most than Rick when Carl dies.

    Because think about it. Carl saved her from getting bit from a walker outside the prison. And basically he brought her into the group.

  2. Now, I'm so ready for the show to end. I don't even want it to get better anymore. I want it to lose all its fan base and just die. It was already so average but now… I just can't.

  3. Daryl's safe until the last season of the show. Thoroughly convinced now. He hasn't been interesting or entertaining for a long time but TPTB can't get rid of the cash cow too early or anything. I'm invested in a specific set of characters and once they start getting picked off they better wrap all this shit up because it won't be improving with their gradual absences, only declining.

  4. i didn't think any show could ever top a pointless death more than Marissa Cooper but this is it. I can't even. Can we #fuckgimple ? I don't even have a Twitter and it needs to trend forever. I am personally going to stop watching. Rick is just another Negan without Carl and Judith is just a baby. I'm so angry.

  5. Love your reactions! You react like a normal fan just watching a show.. you don't over analyze or criticize. I agree they are saving that long haired d bag fir something lol. I am hoping they find a way to not kill Carl while not making it cheesy. Anyways heart you!

  6. Errors (running and walking) Running and walking on a flat surface helps to get rid of the problems of ligaments and tensile tension and gives the full opportunity for running and walking The surface of the simplified needs a simplified body
    Below the foot there ends the nervous system

  7. LOL.  I get what you're saying about not so interesting characters who get screen time.  Enid and Aaron did venture off in another direction and ended up killing "grandma", the leader from Oceanside.  How can you not be curious as to what happens there? I mean every little side story regardless of how boring the characters are has a purpose.  I happen to like Enid but Aaron not so much.  And Daryl?  I don't know what direction they are going with this current version.  I've honestly have had enough of this dude but I think if he doesn't totally redeem himself in the second half he will be the finale death.  That meme "If Daryl dies , we riot" I think maybe they're making him out to be a fuckup to soften the blow for all his fans.  They should've thought about that with Carl because I think his "death" infuriated a lot of fans including me.  I think they fucked up with killing him so soon but maybe the storylines will prove different.  Still, Chandler the actor didn't deserve this.

  8. I'm sorry but that meme you put at 12:00 min really made me bust out laughing thanks I needed that!!! I also really don't give a damn about Aaron or Enid either…like one of my first thoughts when Carl died was "so Enid coming up next right?!" She was pointless before IMO and honestly I'm over Daryl and Tara because they should have died for their mistakes smh

  9. What if it's not Gimples fault but amc. They didnt want to give him a new contract cause they knew he would want a raise cause the nature of his character but just decided they didnt want to spend the money on him so told gimple to write him out

  10. I guess people are expendable to production… at the cost of a story… they better have some pristine Mensa candidate writers to fix this. From what I’ve understood, all of this was Carl’s story… hoped to have seen old man Carl around a campfire or something retelling the newer or younger ones about the elders— his dad, adopted mom Michonne, the gangstress herself, the King & his tiger, Morgan & his deadly bowstaff, stealthy Glenn, badass Maggie, et al… so who gets it now? Judith? Gracie? that Henry kid from the Kingdom?? nobody…? I’ll stick it out, out of sheer curiosity

  11. This is what they do with Daryl. 

    Season 2: Daryl tries to find Sophia, she dies, he goes through grief/self-blame, moves on
    Season 4: The prison falls, Daryl goes through grief/self-blame, Beth pulls him out of it.
    Season 5: Beth dies, Daryl goes through grief/self-blame, moves on
    Season 6: Denise dies, Daryl goes through grief/self-blame, doesn't move on because..
    Season 7: Glenn dies, Daryl goes through grief/self-blame, Maggie pulls him out of it
    and now Season 8: Carl is gonna die, Daryl is gonna go through grief/self-blame……lather, rinse, repeat.

  12. This is gonna end Rick and the group is gonna fall apart. After Lori died Rick went psycho in the prison. After Carl lost his eye, Rick started the Battle of Alexandria. The group stays together because of loyalty to Rick. Without him, Carol, Darryl, Morgan and Michonne will walk away. And Neegan actually liked Carl so he's gonna punish Rick for failing to keep our fav little psycho alive.

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