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  1. I have a question that is running around my brain, what are they gonna do now that Carl is gonna die like….old man rick can or can’t happen now, like Nobody, nobody can take Carls spot besides rick so do they cripple him or.?

  2. I think, Tara´s gonna be fine! She´s emotional, but also pretty smart. She can change quickly, if you manage to explain to her, why she needs to! Now, with Daryl it´s a little bit of a different story. He´s been emotional, but he´s also been hiding it for himself. I think it´ll break him down, if he doesn´t watch out! I also don´t think he´s all too smart…..

  3. Honestly I've been a fan of Dwight since the show started. I see myself in his character also he is my fav from the comics. Dwight redeemed himself. He made their soon to be win very possible. Dwighty boy is good people just made bad choices. #teamDwight

  4. You're probably right about actually seeing the episode with Carl dying to more fully be able to respond to it. I will say that I'm highly disappointed that this is direction they are taking the show based on their reasoning for doing it (as well as being a comic book fan). On the one hand, it might be interesting to see the show shift away from the comics in different ways (not just by killing characters though). Maybe during Comic Con or the Talking Dead they can clear the air about the other stuff going on behind the scenes about the decision. I don't think they should try to move forward without addressing it in some way.

  5. If it was about firing Chandler they should've just written Carl off this season, like have him get injured in the mid season finale and have Rick go take him to the Hilltop or Kingdom for medical attention and just don't show him for the rest of the season and then for season 9 have a new actor play Carl only because Carl's character is to essential for the future story line.

  6. I loved the mid-season finale except the fact that Carl is going to die.
    It sucks that Chandler got fired and yes people I'm saying he got fired b/c you can smell the BS about the supposed reasoning for his death. Carl was supposedly Rick's voice of reason to make the ending of All Out War make sense when clearly no one in the comics was the voice of reason as to why rick decides to imprison Negan but if they wanted to use someone to do that it should've been Morgan because they already planted that seed with him b/c he built that cell in 6×14 and in 7×09 he suggested to capture Negan instead of fighting the saviors. On top of that Chandler didn't know he was being killed off until they were filming episode 6 when Steven Yeun and Michael Cudlitz knew a year in advance that they were going to be killed off. Also usually there is foreshadowing in the previous season that the character was going to be killed off, for example Glenn's fake death under the dumpster, him looking at the polaroids on the wall of bashed in skulls and that he made his first kills in 6×12. But in s7 there was none of that with Carl. They just decided in 8×01 to make him the moral compass talking about hope. Carl's death doesn't make sense to the story line at all.

  7. Since the half of the season has end, I actually have a good recommendation for you as a zombie movie fan. 🙂 It's probably the best zombie film I've ever watched since 28 Days Later. It's "Train To Busan". It's South Korean zombie film from 2016 and everybody says it's really great, the acting is fantastic, it's beautifully filmed, great characters, very intense, it's really an edge of your seat movie. Plus, you like Glenn and this movie is from South Korea so there is a connection. It's a very emotionally powerful film it's got a lot going for it, I hope you to check it out you won't disappointed. 🙂

  8. Shinra358 you getting an argument about something that you're completely wrong about double down on that argument and then block me from replying so I'll just make it public you pussy. Rewatch the scene where Rick and the garbage people show up at the sanctuary they start getting shot at Rick hits the ground then start yelling at Jadis and her people to lay fire on the windows so that they could fall back only his words aren't heard because it then shows Jadis and the whole group of people hauling ass back the way they came already be beyond the fence line to the sanctuary. I told this to you then you came back and said no they dodged everything just like Rick and then Carol saw it and immediately pick Rick up and left the garbage people behind. That was what you said when you double down on that bullshyt and I know why you blocked my comments because you went and watch that scene like I told you to and you realized that you were wrong and I was right. It's okay I would be really embarrassed too. I'll be here when you decide to apologize.

  9. rick is the one who actually abandoned the garbage group. after they got shot at, both of them dodged out of the way. immediately carol saw rick and swooped them up and he high tailed it out of there. scavengers weren't even shown after that.

  10. Daryl needs to listen SO MUCH! Someone needs to have a talk to him and say that by acting reckless after Denise's death he got Glenn, Michonne and Rosita captured because they worried for him. He needs to hear that, although it was Negan doing the bashing on Glenn's death, it was ONCE AGAIN his reckless action that led Negan into choosing a second person to kill. He needs to know that it was his stupid plan that caused the Kingdom to be taken hostage and Jerry and Ezekiel to be captured, that the Hilltop is once again being controlled by the Saviors and that one of it's residents (the dude in Maggie's car) got killed, that Alexandria is now destroyed because of him. Like, ENOUGH with people trying to pretend he did nothing wrong, wanting or not, his reckless actions cause awful things to happen and he needs to work on it!

    Everytime someone has a chance to call him out on it, to make him understand what he is doing is not smart, to make he realize he needs TO STOP… they just either ignore it or make he feel better for doing stupid stuff in the first place. The show just can't blame Daryl for anything, this is just ridiculous… I really love this show and I really enjoyed S8 way more than so many people. But there's a constant to my hate for a long time now, and it's Daryl ~reckless; can't do no wrong~ Dixon. Gimple gets so much hate that I disagree, but by not choosing Daryl to be the one to go instead of Carl he really made a mistake that I can't disagree with everyone else this time…

  11. This is a great video! <3 Thank you for sharing!

    I would love to see what Negan's reaction would be upon finding out Carl's (impending) death. From the interactions we've seen from the both of them, i'd say Negan has a soft spot for him. Even more so in the last scene we saw of them together so far at the gates of Alexandria. We could tell Negan was kinda taken aback when Carl volunteered to die. I think Negan might be devastated. and put things into perspective for him. That is a scene i'd like to see.

  12. I'm glad all out war is gonna last for most of the season. It should end with Negan dead. Plus Daryl, Tara, and Morgan will die before the season is over. Plus Eugene is still good. He has a plan

  13. Just two quick things and unfortunately they are Corrections. I love how you do these weekly chats with notes and everything first of all it's nice to have found somebody that's actually as in to the show as I am……… well almost as into it as I am no offense but there's not a person on this planet that can touch me as far as being a Walking Dead fan. Anyway first of all it was not Darryl's plan that backfired Dwight told more than one person that it was not Daryl it was Eugene that got the savior's out of the sanctuary. Also you said that you're glad that it wasn't Daryl's fault that Carl got bitten because you feel like Darrell has great regrets about what happened with Glenn and doesn't want that to happen again. Darryl's actions prove that you are wrong Daryl does not give a shit about what happened to Glenn or he would have stuck with the plan and not done the exact fucking thing he did that got Glenn killed in the first place. I don't care that it wasn't Daryl's fault I really don't I love Daryl he is a great character but he's a fucking idiot and he is pissing me off lately.

  14. The death of Carl should be the biggest death in the shows history. This should be astronomical. Like we're talking about the death of Uncle Ben in Spider-Man here. (Only huge death I could think of that isn't full of spoilers) It should be a game changer, one that completely changes all the main cast and changes the episodes from here. Like we're talking Red Wedding tier game changer here, where we're still feeling the impact of that 4 seasons or so later. Thats what Carls death needs to be. The impact needs to be felt for seasons. Not episodes. SEASONS. It needs to still resonate until the end of the show, its a death that CANT be forgotten about and the entire of episode 9 should be dedicated to Carl dying. Thats what I'm worried about, though. That it wont take up half of the show, they'll half ass it, and then like episodes later he's kinda forgotten about.

    It was a death purely for shock value, lets face it, it was, it was to make us gasp in the final 5 minutes and so that it'd get trending on social media and viral views on Youtube of a "HUGE DEATH" and to cliffhanger us so we watch episode 9, because thats what TWD relies on more and more these days as they lose viewers. Instead of improving their writing (specifically the pacing of episodes and what content is in which episode and how slow they can be and how plot lines drag) they rely on shock value to hook viewers in more and more. The thing is, if you're gonna fucking kill Carl, do it right and I REALLY hope they do because I feel like at this point, people aren't tuning in to episode 9 for the reason they wanna. They're tuning in almost as a test to the show to see if its worth watching anymore or to see if its jumped the shark.

  15. Eugene is going back to the survivors… the hard way.
    Dwight will find his wife, alive, and when he goes to call her name… he's going to get bitten.
    Tara needs to be cast out of the survivors.
    Rosita needs to be the one to shoot out Negan's kneecaps, leading up to Rick sparing his life.
    Everyone needs to go to hilltop and listen to Maggie.
    Aaron and Enid are in big doo doo.
    Season 8 episode 9 on cannot weather the backlash, its a shame… this show was the greatest thing.
    If they wanted to deviate from the comics…. cool
    Even if the Gimp said he would try and stay within the canon.
    The Gimp said he didn't understand why Rick would go from wanting kill Negan to sparing him… even though it is plainly laid out in the comic.
    Rick wants to lead by example and prove that under no circumstance is violence a necessary reaction, that mercy can prevail. its right there in the comics, if the Gimp cannot understand the simplicity of that he has no business heading this intellectual content.

    TWD has MAYBE two seasons left unless they

  16. Why should. Dwight go on trial, Team Fam killed all those people at the satellite outpost and war hadn't been declared. So if you want to put people on trial, Team Fam would go on trial for that, if you want to throw a judicial system into this war.

  17. Hopefully not that was dumb Rick went there to get them back on his side and then they go to the sanctuary
    And they just take off and leave Rick it was just a waste of time Rick should've never went back to them
    And I agree with you about Eugene

  18. If Daryl were responsible for Carl's death, Rick would 100% kill him.
    If any Savior were responsible for Carl's death, Rick would 100% kill Negan.
    Since the cause is the world they live in Rick hopefully will come to realize that the real threat will always be the extinction level event around them. There are so few humans left. This war just weakens all sides. There will be no winner.

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