The Walking Dead/Fear the Walking Dead Crossover Character to be revealed Sunday Night!
Guess what Trev, THIS IS IT. The crossover character will be revealed THIS SUNDAY on Talking Dead. Are you excited to find out? -Andy G Alexander Evangelos
Q and A trev, if you got a son, would you call him ‘Carl’ just so you can scream CORAALLL through the house all day long? -Kekker
Decline- #1 reason…Oversaturation, Fear TWD! There’s a zombie show on TV all year round now. The wow factor is gone because we are desensitized to the horror and shock value – anthony plowden
Q&A: Do you think Negan is redeemable after what he did to Glenn and Abe? Can he ever be forgiven for that? – Aaron Gerber
Hey trev, Do you think fans of the walking dead do too much complaining these days? I certainly do – 1236 Wrestling
When the walking dead comes to an end, I hope they do the last season with a story that isn’t comic related. I kind of hope they do something fresh and go off with a bang. I bet this will avoid predictability for that season but I highly doubt that they’ll do this. – Lovely Ninja
Q&A hey Trev do you think it’s possible that Simon was the original leader on the sanctuary And Negan came and just took over I would love to hear your thoughts on this P.S keep up the awesome work – Epic Zombie Killer
– Trev
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It’s Morgan!!!!
it's morgn
I would prefer if it was Alicia. She’s my favorite.
it is Morgan jones. the crossover
It is Lennie James (Morgan) so his death is confirmed at the end of the season
Hey Trev, did Lenny James call it Fear Of The Walking Dead ? I like the Morgan character, just found it funny. Nice work on the videos.
It's Morgan…
Trev- do you think anyone from AMC or any of the actors watch or are aware of your channel?
The reason why I don’t care about the show as much as I did is simply because of the story line. I still love the concept, I am not burned out at all. I just don’t like the infighting. It is not as interesting or exciting to me as the previous stories of them walking around, going into houses, looking for food, Terminus, etc. The fighting between groups could be any show, to me. They just happen to throw in some zombies. The other stories were very unique.
Trev! Didn't know you were a Dragon Ball fan!
fear dont need a lame twd character, the shows already better than twd!!!!
Aww I miss my big ginger warrior a lot
I would love to watch Fear but i have to buy the box set to see it. They don’t air it in the Netherlands… im a big WD fan but don’t want to spent all that money, while WD airs for free…
Abraham yes!!!!!!
Need to do some serious catching-up on FtWD.
Morales on fear- it can show how his family died
I would like it to be Nick with a scar on his face… but will probably be Abe…
So stupid!!!Nooooooo
Q&A Do you think it could actually be walker and crazy dog or that guy from the first season who was preparing from the start and saw madison as a councillor who is the crossover character. Personally I'd like to see this although I doubt too many others will. Otherwise do you think these characters will be the next Morales.
My problem is that if it is Abraham, it wouldn't make sense for anything "crazy" to happen with him. Seeing how we already seen a bit of his story before joining the group. And if anything else did happen, you would think he would have told the group while he was with them.
I think it will have to be someone who has recently been added to TWD in the last couple seasons my guess its going to be Negan as the crossover character since we have no real backstory to him since the timeline would work for it
Q&A Hey Trev, What do you think about the Savior lieutenant character "Wade" from the episode always accountable? do you think hes still alive? or do you think hes been killed off screen in battle? I personally think he is in charge of another outpost that will help stabilise "The Sanctuary" and join Negan in the mid season conflict against Rick. He seems too important for a background character and yet he has rarely been mentioned at all. What are your predictions for his character?
Btw absolutely love your channel been watching since TWD Season 2 ! keep up the good work !
Personally I'm not a fan of them "crossing over" someone that has already died. It really doesn't make any sense to do that, it's kinda pointless and a tease……
I would love to see Abe in FTWD
Do you think TWD should create some story archs that are unrelated to the source material to prevent it from catching up to the comics and also keeping things somewhat unpredictable?
Nice stranger things poster
Where are all your action figures?
why would they reveal who it is so soon, way to ruin the surprise
Im glad znation got serious. Its so good now. Same w supernatural. No more stupid stuff.
It will be morales!
One eye bry wants to fight you
Negan would be the ultimate cash grab. They should do it!!!!!
Q and A trev. Do you think fear the walking dead will shows us who raped Abraham's wife and more of the story around that?
I think it's going to be Morales