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The tone of this season and before had an actual Game of Thrones vibe and story writing by G.R.R.M. Raw and complex was that of the show. I gravely miss it. Now it's all common fantasy and predictable outcomes after S4! I must head on to the books then to feel this empty void of mine.
The last season of having the actual raw GoT storyline before they died off onto the next seasons. I could already feel it by watching this trailer.
Wow. Trailer shows a Dragon flying over the Red Keep yet Dany didn't even arrive at Westeros until season 7.
One of the best trailers
who is watching after season 7 finale
Why Joffrey still alive in this video?
I'm here only for Chelsea Wolfe.
The Trailer is actually good. (Its my fav Season together with season 7)
Aaah the good old days.
This season was very good, i think because the feeling of unpredictable thing could happens (ygritte death, joffrey death and of course the tyrion speech xD)
3 years ago I watched this trailer and it makes me so hyped that I started to watch the show. I do not regret a single day n_n
when Dorne was awesome
when Tyrion was still interesting
when arya was still turning into a monster
when shit was still surprising and unexcpected
when Cersi had different expressions on her face
when Jon wasn't the god of Westeros
when Littlefinger and Varys where the two main forces in the show
when Dany didn't just through her dragons at everything in her way
when Stannis wasn't a kinslayer
when Tywin, Jofferey and Ramsy three fucking awesome villians in one season
and when white walkers were still something to be feared
in short when GOT was still the best show out there
Fade skyrim intro, passing dragon shadow
Baby burger king can't eat
Cause he's too stressed
"Do you like my dress?"
Joffrey dies Soz not soz.
Is it just me or we have never see the first scene of this trailer
0:02 SEASON 7X07
Release date?
Back when got was good.
"If you want justice,you come to the wrong place!" One of the best Tyrion quotes
Re watch this now
So now , whos agree to say it was the best season
1:28 what scene/episode is this scene from
2017 …. watching season 07 … best series ever
best season
Season 7 trailer is better but this is definitely the 2nd best!
It's 2017 and this is still the best GOT trailer
One of the best trailers ever …
I see dead people
How many seasons will be?
You don't won, expect the unexpected.
Whats the name of this song?
I need the full music. What's the tittle..???
music was shit
who is watching this in 2017.
man that's a good trailer, gives away the whole tyrion situation though
They keep deleting/hiding their popular GoT trailers. It's sad, people
can't see it. I really want to see the main trailer for S02 again. It
was around 13 million views I believe. At least this one is left. They changed the title recently, I wonder why…
This is by far the most epic trailer GoT ever made. Still getting goosebumps.
I just completed watching season 3 in 2017 and I don't want to watch more but I can't help it
This was by far the best season .Anybody seconds ?
The best Season
what site can i watch this serie on?
Who's watching when Season 7 trailer is out?
favourite trailer!
Given the opportunity

who else is here after watching the season 7 trailer

The best GOT trailer ever.
Anyone here after watching the season 7 trailer? The new one is good but this is still the best one.
RIP Red Viper
This might be the best trailer for a season of anything, ever.