Welcome back for another Game of Thrones Season 8 discussion video. Today I wanted to talk about the future of one of the most beloved houses in Westeros. The series is coming to an end and several of the major houses already appear to have basically gone extinct with no one around to further their family name. Could the Stark House see the same fate? Will Sansa, Arya, Bran, or even Jon be able to extend the Stark name for future generations before the finale is over? Check out the video and let me know your questions, thoughts, and opinions on this topic. Thanks for watching!

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  1. I'm with you and believing that John will never change his name to Aegon Targaryan. I think at some point towards the end of the season he will make it clear that he is a Stark and always will be a Stark and he will be legitimized as a Stark and who will legitimize him? Well that's easy, it will be the wardeness of the North Sansa Stark. So after he's legitimately a Stark and if he has a baby his (yes he will have a boy) the last name will definitely be Stark. Oh and also it will be a boy and his first name will be Eddard or Rob but most likely Eddard.

  2. I think Jon and Danny will name their child LYANNA STARK-TARGARAN!! also think Sansa will re-wed Tyrionvl they hall a Castle full of kids!! They too will be STARK-LANNISTER’s
    I’m hopeful my Gendry and Arya will wed, their children will also follow Jon and Dan Sansa and Tyrion’s lead naming their children STARK-BARATHEON!! Just a thought!!

  3. If Dany and Jon have a baby the name will be Rhaegar of Houses Targaryen and Stark. Her last baby was named after her big brother but in Dothraki tradition: Rhaego. This time wont change at all, specially if he was Jons true father.

  4. Superb work my friend, and an honourable beginning by giving 'Gray' her moment in the sun first, now that is delightful 🙂
    Ok the Starks, I think they will be succeeded by children, but that in itself is a convoluted way forward, some here have mentioned a hyphenated surname for Jon and Dany's child/children with breaking the wheel as part of the deal, personally I like that, but will it happen?? Ha bittersweet moments from GRRM may prove otherwise, that old chestnut keeps popping upa nd throwing us all sideways, as Ramsey said, 'you haven't been listening' lol
    Excellent subplot ideas AGAIN Dan, more please …

  5. Any baby born from Jon and Daenerys would be Targaryen but also IMHO I don't think Daenerys will marry Jon. Sansa will probably marry again someone from a lower house so the Stark name continues. I don't know if Arya or Bran will survive in Season 8.

  6. I hope Jon's and Daenarys child will carry both names (Stark and Targaryen) as it would make both houses allies and that child could the one to make the world a better place, just like Jon and Dany wanted

  7. Well, in the show it is already extinct with Bran as the last male and he's the 3-eyed raven now. He's spaced out as you said and he's not interested to be Lord of WF etc. At least in the show that is made clear. I imagine Bran will more or less go the same way in the books too, but I'm counting on Rickon to save the House Stark from extinction. Long live the savage Stark. 🙂

  8. I had the same thought, but not as deeply as you, haha. Only that Bran will not marry as he is the Raven now, Sansa and Arya do not get to carry their name. Someone mentioned about a commoner for Sansa…that does not seem like her cup of tea to me. He would have to be pretty spectacular for her not to care about title. I would love to see her finally happy in love. Personally, I am still rooting for Tyrion because he has been the kindest and maybe she will learn to care more about that. And maybe he will take on the Stark name to put distance between the Lannister family and himself once and for all. Why would he want to carry the name of a family who hated him so much?! And regarding Arya, Jon will legitimize Gendry so therefore become a Baratheon, so no hope there (if they go the Arya/Gendry route, which why wouldn't they? Which other person ever earned her respect and caring, excpet for him? The Hound maybe, but I think he sees her like a foster daughter more or less. And he has honour in that kind of way. He is not a sleaze.) But yes, very possible that House Stark is done. As is Martell, and Tyrell. Any other line done? Tully is ok, Tarley is Ok, Aryn still ok (some people have proposed this be a match for Sansa, but I disagree), Mormont is another in the same boat as Stark, is it not? Anyways, just a few more thoughts there, xp.

  9. Realistically one of the most important things that will be looked at at after the War will be to rebuild, which will include ensuring the continuation of the Noble houses. Looking at who is still alive now, and assuming for the sake of argument, they survive there are a few eligible people to match up. My guesses are: Jon + Dany is a no brainer, Arya & Gendry (Arya was young when she said she wanted no part of being a lady, and while Gendry is a bastard he is and could legitimately become Lord Baratheon) Bran & Meera (he may be clueless but it was obvious to me that she was in love with him), Lyanna Mormont & Robin Arryn (she'd set him straight real quick) and unless I missed something Sansa & Tyrion never had their marriage annulled, and with everything she has been through I think the kindness and respect he showed her in King's Landing will come into play.

  10. There is no mention of any medical reason that any of remaining Starks can't have children. We know that Ramsey hurt Sansa badly, but not how. From what I saw of Arya's stabbing, all above the waist-line of her pants, she is fine. And Bran is also medically able to have children, at least I'm pretty sure he can. As I said, from the information we have from the books and shows, they should be able to have children. I leave Jon out because he is technically a Targaryan, but if it came to it I think he would either take the Stark name or give it to one of his children to keep the Stark family "alive".

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