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  1. Man there was a lot of stuff they left out. I am glad they did except for stuff about Hela that could have done more for her. She came across as underdeveloped as a character.

  2. who else thinks, soul stone is in Heimdall or it is him itsefl ?
    This movie gave some evidence for that, Heimdall can see everyone. What if he cant see physically them, just their souls ? That would explain why he didnt see this army of the dead + fenris at the end of the rainbow brigde, while going to Brifrost ! Couse the deads have no soul !

  3. I think the change to remove Beta Ray Bill was a good one if it wasn't the best use of the character, and I think it was wise to give Odin a more dignifying death. The Grandmaster scene is something I could take or leave, and it was actually refreshing for Thor & Valkyrie to not have much of a romantic connection in this movie. The only thing I slightly miss is the scene of a woman leaving Valkyrie's bedroom, as it would have been nice to have a solid confirmation of a prominent LGBT character in the MCU, rather than it needing to be stated by the actress in an interview.

  4. I hope they put in the alternate sequence with Odin but don't want them to use the Beta Ray Bill stuff. I wanna see him in his proper glory, not as a reference.
    Every time The Immigrant Song came on it left me with a big smile, those scenes were amazing. That opening fight got me hyped in my seat.

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