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  1. I don't think that Mjolnir was destroyed cz of its own momentum, cz Thor didn't call it back. If you look at the scene closely, you can clearly see Hela applying pressure and breaking Mjolnir into pieces. My guess is, since they aren't considering Mjolnir to be a separate entity in itself, as in not a God, they let Hela destroy it to show the audience how powerful she is.

  2. When hulk picks up Thor and starts whacking him on the ground and Loki jumps up and says " now you know how that feels". That was linked to the first avengers movie when hulk whacks Loki on the ground in the stark tower(now avengers tower) and hulk walks away saying "puny God".

  3. At the beginning of Ragnarok with Surtur Thor is chased by that giant dragon thing. As Thor is trying to get teleported he puts his hammer in the dragons mouth to keep him from moving. That's a reference to the end of the first Thor film when he sets his hammer on top of Loki to keep him from moving.

  4. Why didn't Hela just use Odin's spear to open the Bifrost? I mean it was right next to her on the throne and Odin did use it to pull Thor and crew out of Jotunheim in the first movie so….?


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