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3:45 Does anyone has this animation?
wheres trish from dmc ?
12 year olds shouldn't be allowed on the internet.
tifa was hottest
Gwynyvere from Dark Souls should have been on the list
what ?? i thought lara's thing is the butt not boobs. tifa's and honoka boobs are better
No… Just no. Tifa from the original Final Fantasy 7 should be at the "Top"(chest joke) of the list! It's a shame what they did to the remake! Downgraded her fuckin fun bags! and made the fighting less epic, all far away and lame. Original final fantasy 7 for life homes! It's the best made RPG of all time! Not in terms of graphics, but pretty good graphics, best storyline ever, best character development, hot main chick, & super cool main character and bad guy, fun & enjoyable fighting, leveling, and playability! The original final fantasy 7 and Tifa are the best!!
classic lara croft. what a rack!
cumed at 5:56
How come Ivy wasn't no.1?
3:04 sexy
dislike just for putting lara croft in there
Omfg this some were so funny xD
WA about Gta5
The picture says top 15 but the title says top 10
they didn't say what gender.
This list is atrocious. Not only should characters like Jade and Kitana be higher up on the list, but why the fuck are male characters like Kratos and E. Honda on the list?
This video is 75% shitty. Editing, composition, script – all shitty.
So is the top-list. Why are Kitana, Jade, Ivy, and Harley so much behind?
tits at 3:18
Who gets turned on by Minecraft pixelated tits? I died when they showed up.
2:25, men beware, she's got a D
They had Tifa in it, so I loved it!..
Kratos and E.Honda? LOL: that's just wrong!
What the hell game is the clip of Tifa at 3:05 from???
it time to fap 0:14
i dont wanna get hard
I'm already horny
I have Morgan…………….in my bedroom
The sorceress from Dragon's Crown
thats hilarious xD
Someone pass the tissues plz.
D'aaaaaawh I hate Tifa :< she's just so damn annoying character…
Why not Amanda from metal gear peace walker
Why would you put that those characters at number 6 are gay -_-
Personally I would get rid of all guys then put Liara from mass efect at 2