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The most satisfying Game of Thrones moments can be found right here. We’ll be looking at events like Cerseiā€™s Imprisonment, The Purple Wedding, the Avenging of the Red Wedding, and of course, the Death of Ramsay Bolton. Join WatchMojo as we count down our picks for the top 10 Satisfying Moments in Game of Thrones.

00:55 #10. Cerseiā€™s Imprisonment
02:00 #9. The Cave
02:54 #8. Lyanna Mormont
03:59 #7. A Crown for a King
05:01 #6. Father and Son
06:06 #5. The Purple Wedding
07:05 #4. End of the Slave Masters
08:11 #3, #2 & #1: ????

Special thanks to our user Twishadowhunter3 for suggesting this idea, check out the voting page at

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  1. Ok so now that season 7 has ended with the worst penthouse forum letter about boatsex ever, I can honestly say Tormund trying to get into the "mines of Tarth" and Lyanna Mormont followed by Arya ruining Sansa Tully's plans to rule the north were the highlight. D&D I know you have dragons and Spielberg worthy effects but this is bad Startrek level writing now…….

  2. My top 10 list

    10 – Drogon and Dothraki killing Lannister army
    09 – Every time Hound calls someone a cunt
    08 – Melisandre naked
    07 – Theon's imprisonment
    06 – Jon Snow's resurrection
    05 – Every time Daenerys got naked
    04 – Tyrion slapping Joffrey
    03 – Olly's death
    02 – Arya killing Walder Frey
    01 – Joffrey's death

  3. Why the hell did you have to talk in this? This voice over killed the satisafaction … would have been better with just a summary, the season and the episode int text. Couldn't stand watching this to the end.

  4. Joffrey's death is easily the most satisfying moment of GOT. More so than any moment for the good guys. And it is deservedly the second best betrayal in the series. To say Ramses death is more satisfying than Joffrey coughing, choking, falling, and his eye stuck the wrong way in his death face…. come … on……

  5. Cersei is awful at playing the Game of Thrones. In fact, before season 7, every play she made failed miserably, some coming back to bite her in the ass. In Season 7, she all of a sudden became a military and political genius. But her father was right. She's not ass smart as she thinks she is.

    For me, Tyrion's angry rant during his trial for Jofferey's murder has to be up there. It may not have turned out as he planned, but hearing him call out the farce of a trial and all of the people in attendance was a highly satisfying moment.


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