Check out my Top 5 flashback predictions for Season 7 Game of Thrones. List features Lord Varys, the Night King, Euron Greyjoy and Rhaegar Targaryen.

The true meaning of A Song of Ice and Fire theory:

Euron is a Warlock Theory:

Who Will Die in Season 7 Theory:

Intro Music: Game of Thrones
Artist: North Cape
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Outro Music: Game of Thrones Theme Western Cover
Artist: BenDanProductions
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Obituary Music: Light of the Seven, Game of Thrones.
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  1. They didnt defeat white walkers…they made a truce with them based on white walkers leaving south part of westeros and all magic being removed from westeros … thats when fake religion of 7 gods were created and so on… building the wall was share effort that sealed the deal…. what broke the deal was the big ritual at summerhall..

  2. I've always wondered what " magic" allowed the Nights king ( the book version ) to bring his pale skinned, blue eyed other wife south of the wall?
    It seems it is possible for others to cross the wall wejust don't now how ,maybe the gate /mouth Sam and Gilly used . The answer could be of massive importance

  3. Hey man, what do you reckon the implications would be if we found out that Varys knows all about Jon Snow? It's not something I've ever seen talked about, but if we know Varys surely he'd have had a whisper or 2 about Jon's true heritage?

  4. since Valerian steal is essentially the opposite of obsidian or dragon glass, what happens if you stabbed a living man and left the blade in his heart with Valerian steal, like the children did to make the night king with dragon glass. fire walker?

  5. Varys may be an Egg type situation. And regarding your Bran theory… if its true it especially and poignanltly affects Brans' point of view…. even more so than being the three eyed raven.

  6. I'm more curious WHY they did that blood ritual. If this ritual was about dany and what will happen. Who would be interested in knowing what was meant to happen? A Targaryen? Maybe it ties into why they burned down summerhall….did they try to awaken the dragon? Is that what they will try to do again with Dany…and I'm not talking about the literal flying dragons.

  7. The thing that does not make sense to you about Lyanna and Rhaegar might be that both Lyanna's and Rhaegar's previous marriages were political. Even so, she might simply have accepted that he no longer loved Elia, if he ever did.

  8. I like the idea of the video but I can't disagree more with some of these flash backs … #1 is very likely, and the only one i can think of for sure should happen, maybe #2 with Bran and the walkers, I doubt it, if it happens maybe a flash forward.

  9. Wait it was sir bearestin selmy forgive my spelling that lost to rheagar at the tourney because he told Ned that he blames him self for starting the war because if he would have won rheagar would have never named Lyanna queen of love and Beaty and tension between stark baratheon and the crown would of never started and the saddest thing that he also mentioned was that he plained to name ashara Dayne who he loved but couldn't express it due to his oath and that would of been his chance to show her how he truly felt with out breaking his oath …….fucking GGR man he takes feels to a whole new level he must of gotten his heart torn out and stomped on to make these feels lol


    in the books when dany is at the house of the undying she sees a vision of rhaegar and elia just after she gave birth to her second baby. rhaegar says "the dragon has three heads". way later in the books we learn that elia was almost killed in childbirth and was unfit to have a third baby. this must be part of the motivation for rhaegar and lyanna smashing.

  11. I don't think Lyanna fell in love with Rhaegar. I think he kidnped her and raped her. I think rape was part of the prophecy of The Prince That Was Promised: being a third child of a Targaryen and being born out of rape. It is the reason why Aerys II raped his wife to mke Dany as well. He had two sons and a grandson already. He was the king and could have had any woman. Same with Rhaegar. We know Lyanna was a strong and fighting woman, and she was engaged to a young lord. Out of the millions of women who would have loved Rhaegar without causing a war, taking Lyanna makes no sense, unless she was the only woman that said no to him and that was what he needed for the prophecy.

  12. Finally a video that uses the title of "prediction" rather than "theory"…getting annoyed by all the "theory" videos that deal with GoT and I know "if I don't like them don't watch them " arguments and I don't because of the idiot titles like "the sansa theory"

  13. We'll definitely see the tourney, and possibly Varys backstory but not so sure about your other choices. I am fairly certain that Varys is either a Blackfyre or a Targaryen and he shaves his head to hide this fact – this is a pretty well known theory, of course, which explains his loyalty to Dany (and to Aegon in the books). I doubt, however, that the show will delve into Euron's backstory given the time they have left (and budget). They wasted too much money and filler in the earlier seasons which could have been spent more wisely on stories such as this instead of the mistakes they made like the mess they made in Dorne and the filler they produced with Sam and Gilly and some the silliness between Jon and Ygritte which was some of the most painful to watch as they were not the best actors at the time (in my opinion) nor was their story that purposeful minus the needed plot points (that cave scene, for instance, could have been done away with to make room for better things). Dan and Dave made a slew of mistakes throughout the first five seasons that I am sure they highly regret now.

  14. I'm not sure about the theory that Sam is going to find a way to make Valyerian steel. Aegon the Conqueror was only 100 years removed from the Fall or Valyeria and even he didn't know how to make more. And if the secret was really in the Citadel, you'd think a Maester would have come across it by now; I mean all they do there is sit and read books all day.

  15. The reappearance of the White Walkers and Dragons imo is linked to the comet in some way. We know the White Walkers have been active for a while before that because Crastor was giving all his male children to them, but something about the comet made them powerful enough to make their move. We know that the Wizards in Q'arth, the Pyromancers, the Starks and Dany were all effected by this comet so I think it stands to reason that the White Walkers were too.

  16. On the subject of valerian steel to defeat the whitewalkers, I think Sam will find out how and why Valerian steel can defeat a Whitewalker through his studies at the citadel. Realising that the process to do so (dragon flame to smelt the steel) is tough to come by – or close to impossible, he'll soon realise they have a source to produce 1000 swords made of VS… The Iron Throne.
    It will become a symbolic theme then. To destroy the Iron Throne will mean the survival of Man, or the other option is for the great houses to bicker and fight to sit upon the throne to soon rule what will soon become dead and cold.

  17. the sun rises in the west and sets in the east and the seas go dry and the mountains blow in the wind like leaves When danyys womb quickens again, and she bear a living child khal drogo well return that would be epic

  18. we will only get the first flashback of harrenhal, the show doesnt have enough time to show all these flashbacks, sam will be the key to find out about the last fight between men n others and about valyrian steel n stuff, Blood magic doesnt necessarily involves kings blood, dany or mirri mazz dur did blood magic with normal bloods, there is power in kings blood but blood magic can be done with any blood, so i think there's no reason to think varys has some secret special identity, the reaction of varys to kinvara only came bcz of the painful memory varys had about the incident i think.

  19. Anyone else considering how Jon has NO Targaryen characteristics. The eyes, hair, nothing. Aren't they all "seed is strong" kinda shit? Silver hair and purple eyes. Lyanna's seed is strong apparently!!! lol I suppose if he looked like Rheagar in any way, the cat is out o the bag.

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