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Do you know what the rarest Goosebumps book of ALL TIME is? Find out here. Enjoy! ๐
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My Name is Goosebumps Guy and as you can tell by my name, I love Goosebumps. I love reading, gaming, and movies/TV shows. I make Top 10’s and other videos! some other things I love just as much as Goosebumps and R L Stine are Stephen King, Are You Afraid of The Dark?, The Twilight Zone, Archie, Game of Thrones, Overwatch, and Bethesda Games.
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Check out my latest video: “5 Goosebumps Books You Should Read This Halloween!”
I have the Give Yourself Goosebumps ones, because I have all of that series.ย I can't remember if the ones you said were harder to find or not, as I got most of them on Amazon.
monster blood 4 shood be in this , and the triple headers
I had a few of those GYSG books. We used to pass them around.
Those 3 books were tiny, and really had no place in a book case.
Rare rest nigh of the living dumyy
Horror at camp jelly jam
Sloppy nightmear
Omg I have the live on stage one because my sisters went to the show when it was out and got the book!
where is that image from @ 2:14
Thank god they changed slappys look if I saw that in the movie I would crie
Do best gyg endings
do a top 5 or top 10 goosebumps books that you wish would of been made into an episode?
I love the video my brother just got the whole set of goosebumps haunted library you also said you do not have any two of the three are listed on ebay
I have screams in the night, my brother went to the live show as a kid
Someone should do hunting hour monster list
Can you make a video about your favorite goosebumps series from worst to best
About a year ago my mom wentย to the library Book store and found some GooseBumps books and she bought all of them and when I got home from school my mom gave them to me and I got one of the rare books you said in the video the Screams in the night GooseBumps Limited Editon and it even had the ticket from the show the original show from 1998.
Yay today is my birthday!!
I'm from Czech republic and I collect Goosebumps books, too ๐
4:45 ๐ฑ my neighbor has them!!!!!! Brb gotta break in their house tonight
How about the do the 10 ten worst goosebump episodes
The first-ever haunted mask EVER CREATED
one of the rarest books is the the original "The Horror At Camp JellyJam" and i don't mean the Classic Goosebumps reprint. I mean the original cover.
Top 10 goosebumps books that give you nightmares
I like your vids
the haunted library is up on ebay for 45 bucks all 3 are included.
Monster Blood 4 will be on it. I predict.
I would definetly say Monster Blood IV is one of the rarest too. I have 61/62 books from the original series and I've been stuck on MB4 for years-.-
No offence, but that intro reminds me of a really cringe kid gamers intro.
I have the complete set of the goosebumps Haunted Library. I didn't know it was so rare. If you want to see pics I posted some on the reddit page
r/goosebumpsfans or just hit me up if you want to know anything about it great video btw!
Some other rare ones include:
Monsterblood IV (rare to find cheap)
Werewolf Skin (rare to find cheap/with wolf mask)
I Live in Your Basement (rare to find cheap)
Goosebumps 2000 Slappy's Nightmare (uncommon, and usually a bit expensive)
Give Yourself Goosebumps All Day Nightmare
Any Special Edition from Give Yourself Goosebumps
More & More & More Tales to Give You Goosebumps
I also believe some later books in the GYSG series are quite uncommon, perhaps some of the late 2000 series such as Full Moon Fever, and some later Original Series are uncommon as well, such as The Curse of Camp Cold Lake, The Haunted School, and I believe Legend of the Lost Legend. I may have missed some, but I think I summed it up fairly well.
Nice video, and the narration is improving. ๐
my school's library has Revenge of the Body Squeezers
Didn't know about these except for the light book. Do you have any of the U.K. Editions? I'm collecting a full set just now I need about 19 or so
Ive been looking for a channel like this, you have a new sub, also, maybe a top 10 or 5 most underrated goosebumps books? ๐
great video please make more!