Watching Game Of Thrones With People Who Haven’t Read The Books
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Game of Thrones Book Reader – Mike Trapp
Person Who’s Super Optimistic – Madeline Walter
Person Who Barely Sees Any Of It – Shannon Joy Rogers
Person Who Confidently Has Incredibly Wrong Theori – David Futernick
Person Who Asks You A Question But Then Immediatel – Jessica McKenna
Person Who Tries To Read Your Tells – Bernard Jones
A Guy Who Claps For Some Reason – Jon Gabrus
– Mike Trapp
Hair and Makeup – Heather Grippaldi
Director – Matt Pollock
Writer – Emily Axford
Producer – Jesse Roberts
Director of Photography – Elie Smolkin
President of Original Content – Sam Reich
Vice President of Production / Executive Producer – Spencer Griffin
Director of Production – Sam Sparks
Director of Post Production – Michael Schaubach
Production Manager – Sam Kirkpatrick
Casting Director – Chrissy Fiorilli-Ellington
Production Designer – Elaine Carey
Script Supervisor – Carly Romberg
Production Coordinator – Sabra Potter
Sound Mixer – Brad Harding
1st Assistant Camera – Dustin Miller
2nd Assistant Camera / DIT – Armando Macias
Gaffer – Tyler Bell
Key Grip – Chris Cullari
Swing – Johnny Silvas
Production Assistant – Angie Galati
Jake Ingram
Kyle Minch
Maria Garcia
Intern – Jeffrey Vega
Doesn't fucking work anymore SHIT!
I am the one who claps hands
LMAO when he claps and says yeeah little finger
Sadly this is now antiquated for the most part.
I do this even with any show
I read the red viper fight, still was chocked at how well they made it
I'm the guy who claps for no reason
this me with people who haven't read Attack of Titan manga
I hope people get that kind of happiness watching me, haha
so this is how i would look to my friends if i ever finnaly decide to watch game of throwns is it really good as everyone says?
"I love weddings." I choked from laughing so hard.
the fact that you people are arguing over which is better is fucking retarded
I can't really stand the show because it tries waaay too hard to be dark, shocking and they intentionally make some sub plots hard to follow in order to seem more complex. Just read the books, everything after season 5 is non canon anyway.
Now it's. Listening to a song of fire with people who are not caught up with the show yet
… And then came the horror of season 6….
How about person who doesn't pay attention because it gets boring and is only there for the free food Lol.
well apparently the show is moving Away from the books
lol i fucking love this
Yeah, it's an epic series, but the Red Viper fight did it for me. It just broke my heart, and I haven't watched again; I'm too scared!
We never saw Ned Stark's head leave his body? ffs Joffrey mounted it on a spike and made his fucking daughter sansa stare at it for like an entire minute. how can anyone forget how fucked that scene was?
This was me before the last season. I used it as a weapon sometimes. If I got upset with someone, I'd tell them a character dies before they saw it on TV
Good times
I get the same delight from Attack on Titan!
i wanna read the books now
My girlfriend hasn't watched or read game of thrones yet and I'm guessing she'll watch it first and I'm anxiously awaiting the day she decides to start watching it lol
I love how this is Trapp.
Hahahahahaha my goodness that viper fight bit at the end totally killed me for a minute there because that's definitely a thing I love to do
This also applies to sharing a funny video
I'd be the guy with the constant grin and who giggles when dark shit happens.
Every time my friend asks a question it is immediately answered by the show. For some reason she hasn't figured out that if she just waited a few more seconds she'd get her answer.
I would be the guy who tries to find the answer to his question through the other one's expression

you forgot getting pissed af as they change major parts of the story
i wonder if breaking bad enjoyed its 2 months of being the greatest show on tv
why is Gabrus only in this for 2 seconds?
That is probably what my face looked like with my wife during the first 6 seasons; smug, self-satisfied, and eagerly awaiting shocked recoils from every death.
Don't kill me guys, but I actually like Game of Thrones for its darkness and it's philosophy that 'no one is safe'. It's so much more realistic than that optimistic bull about good people always winning. I actually grinned with glee when the Red Wedding happened.
P.S. I might be a psychopath.
I've done this. It is the most awesome thing ever!
"And the guy who claps… For some reason."
This also applies to re-watching the show with newbies to the series.
This is sooo accurate it's amazing!
This is true, I've learned to live on the tears of my friends. During the execution of Ned Stark i smiled, and during the red wedding I laughed.
I enjoyed doing this with the Hunger Game movies and the Divergent series.
HAH! Well i guess now that the tv series is ahead of the books the odds have changed!
"Person who barely sees any of it." That's me!