What is Sandor Clegane’s fate? His is one of the most compelling story arcs in the series and looks set to carry him right through to the endgame. But how will it end?

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  1. The Hound saved Sansa's life at the moment when she wanted to push Joffrey. If Sansa had done it, she would have been tortured before finally being murdered on Cersei's orders.

    I think he's always had feelings towards the underdog or downtrodden as he views himself in that light somewhat (at least as a child when he was at his brother's mercy). He carried out orders because he had to until he finally reached his breaking point.

  2. I think the toy story is a lie. I think Sandor saw in the fire his brother being burned to death by a dragon. For that information the mountain burned his brother and caused Sandor to turn away from fire which he had power to see visions. Vserion is coming for the mountain

  3. Robert, do you have a schedule for your video releases? One a week? two a week? Every Tuesday? Of course I assume you have no life other than making videos for our enjoyment ( wink ) but in case you do I'd love to know. Thanks. And keep it up. Your videos are helping us survive the long night until season 8 returns. LOL

  4. Love the Hound, but I just don't see it ending well for him. He has clearly evolved but his history still stands – and he knows the evil he did better than anyone. This is the reason he admires Arya – she knew he had changed but she also knew he did not deserve mercy in death, his sins in life has to be payed for.

    I think he will ultimately receive his redemption in his death, I think he will sacrifice his life to a horrible death by fire, that he will take his brother to his death in the fire and that it will serve some larger purpose.

  5. Thank you Robert another fantastic video. I hope that season 8 will not see the last of Sandor. I agree with your theory and might add that by killing that monster he will also restore honor to his house for the horrific crimes he committed . I can only hope the story ends with Sandor finding some kind of peace. Looking forward to more videos and now Im going to search if you have already made one on Euron Grayjoy. His character is fascinating and Im wondering, if he has traveled most of the known world as he says, why has he not found out about the Knight King or at least something about him and the wights and white walkers.

  6. excellent as usual I don't know maybe that would be a great ending for him A New Beginning but I also wonder if he kills his brother would he also died both ending seem kind of perfect for him but it would be nice to see a happy ending for somebody who started off so bad

  7. In the books I think he will end his arc in the service of Sansa. The hints that They will be together somehow are too many to ignore. I the show? I have no idea. Yes he'll rid the world of his evil 'brother' but after that? I'd like him to be Ser Sandor Clegane. But, will D&D allow him to be happy. Good question .

  8. This is the sort of video I truly enjoy leaving a long response to, so first most: Thank you for that.

    Through watching the show and now making my way through the books, I find Sandor a beautifully rich character with a story that constantly reminds me in a multifaceted way of the parable of the Prodigal Son. On the surface, he IS afraid of fire, something that gives not only pain, but comfort ( he was playing by the fire when Gregor burned him, possibly for warmth.) When we meet Sandor, he is very cold, cynical and attached to the Lannisters. This kind of cold cynicism cloaks an innate kindness, empathy and WARMTH that we do indeed see first with Sansa, later in a more equal way with Arya and still more so with the builders of the Sept and with Brother Ray. He fluctuates between warmth and burning with Sansa, saving her multiple times and offering more, peppering it with derision, smarting her with words and showing his true nature in his deeds. He does the same with Arya, even to throwing that he should have raped Sansa at her. However, Arya has spent enough time with him to see his words for what hey are: attempts to burn her, to light her own fury to kill him.

    Symbolically, we could say that like Ayla of the "Clan of the Cave Bear" (completely different series and author, for those unfamiliar; I use it here for a parallel )was 'marked' by the cave lion (she was chased into a cave by and deeply clawed on her left thigh by this prehistoric lion) he was marked by fire because of his kinship with it. Sandor is capable of doing great hurt and harm, but also of great protection and a very humane warmth. And like the Prodigal who turns away from his home, Sandor seems to deny this relationship and to bury the traits he naturally has- putting out his inner fires as well as avoiding those without. Yet Sandor seems to be unable to entirely escape the glowing embers of his own true nature. The embers flare and propel him to at first small kindnesses, later attempting to mask greater ones (like protecting Arya and trying to find her a safe place) with greed or selfish motives. Ultimately this true nature is revealed and we slowly see Sandor with a true moral code, and that he is more of a true knight than his anointed brother.

    Melisandre states at one point that one does not have to follow R'hllor to serve the Lord of Light's purpose, and we could trace a path that Sandor has been pushed, first and foremost through his fear if fire, to serving his own true nature and to aid the mostly selfless Brotherhood Without Banners. Each time he runs from the fire, he is pushed closer to human warmth, and toward humanity's salvation.

    I could never mistake that Sandor means that he is coming for Gregor. Sandor above all relies on and believes in himself. Sandor exhibits a pure sort of confidence that is unlike the hubris of other characters. He is aware of his capabilities and does not have false modesty nor excessive pride about them. However he takes Gregor down, I think it will be because he knows that he can. I doubt that dragon glass will have any effect on Gregor, but enough fire will destroy just about anything (except Dany of course.)

    I am not so sure that Sandor will be the Last Hero or Azor Ahai, but I feel sure that he is of the caliber to be a major character to turn the tide in the upcoming war. I wonder if he will become a 'fire wight' as well, or if he will simply have enough internal fire to resist the oncoming Night King, White Walkers, Army of the Dead and perhaps thwart the Long Night.

    Thank you again for your thought provoking channel. I look forward to more.

  9. He clearly hates his brother. But does he really want to kill him for what he did to him? If he is still seeking revenge against his brother then his entire storyline does not make sense. Like what was the point of showing him regretting over things he did in past, the bad things he did, the things he wanted to run away from. I think his whole journey with that priest who was hanged, his journey with brotherhood was to show him as a changed man. I don't think he is actively seeking to kill his brother. In my opinion the Hound will kill his brother only if the mountain tries to hurt someone or if he comes in his way. Example Arya going to kill Cersie and mountain comes in her way and then Hound has to save Arya by killing mountain. That will make more sense. But him just killing Mountain for revenge will take his storyline back to where it started.

  10. One thing I believe will happen in season 8 is Sandor finally accepts being knighted. This time the Starks will be offering him the his spurs and he will accept. This will come from Ayra & Sansa talking and realizing how important he has been to keeping them alive over the years, and was/is a surrogate father figure.

  11. I always wanted Arya & Sandor to travel together. This time Arya loosing her sh*t, and Sandor calming her down. I cannot see any one of them settling down to a homey-home, so it kinda makes sense. Plus, they both have business to take care of in the south.

  12. After the Mnt. Becomes a zombie, he doesn't speak, follows orders, & has no will of his own. But wasn't he pretty much the same before? That is the brilliance of GRRMs writing, since the Mnt. Becomes on the outside more like the evil character he always was, a cruel killer without life or emotion other than anger.

  13. Excellent! But Sandor will meet the Mnt. Only when Cersei is almost defeated, when the battle comes to her, because the Mnt. Never leaves her side. Or maybe Arya and Sandor will sneak in for an assassination attempt? Not as likely. The fire idea is the best, in the big battle with Cersei as Kings Landing falls.

  14. You accurately described The Hound's arc and relationship with fire but you omitted his hesitation beyond the Wall. The last time we saw him he was still afraid of fire. I understand that character progression isn't always linear – sometimes there are setbacks as in Theon's case – but I would like to have seen Sandor overcome his fear when the polar bear attacked Thoros. It would have been heroic and selfless (we know he has no love for Thoros or his topknot) and for me that would make his use of fire next season more believable.

  15. HI there, Robert! I absolutely adore your insight and voice. I was just wondering tho, isn't this all just a teeny, tiny Disney like? I am damned sad GRRM is not writing the current stuff, even for D&D just a bit too dues ex machina (mVho). One of the major subplots in this story is that life is NOT fair…whilst I really like your theory and Sandor is one of the few characters I wish many good things for. (I'm not 100% if he partook in the sacking of the lands escaping my mind)…. Then again the twist could be no twist and semi-predictable. If GRRM was still writing, I'd dare guess he'll never see his redemption.
    +informliza has an awesome theory here that begins with yours, but has Sandor's anger/caring wrecking what seems the fairness in him overcoming fire, hate, anger… with his heart and kindness (his lil bit) taking him out in the end (not unlike when Oberyn should have shut up and killed the mountain the second he could on the show)…Maybe something distracting out of the corner of his eye during (wished for) Clegane bowl (his bro is long gone whatever Qyburn did) so I just don't for see it. Maybe he'll die helping/saving someone (perhaps a Stark lass) doing the decent thing he always end up seeming to (under all that anger, hate and mean there has always been a heart). I wish it'd all go that well for him,

  16. Another great video. I don't think Sandor has gotten over fire completely. He was frozen when the bear was on top of his compatriot, but it could have been b/c of the dead bear, but they made sure to focus on the flaming sword, so who knows? I do look forward to him beating the crap out of his brother and would like him to go south with Arya, while she takes care of cersei, he takes the mountain.

  17. Sandor is my favorite character and I loved this video! This season I felt they made him too much of a comic relief. The Gravedigger nod at the beginning was a scene I thoroughly enjoyed. To me, Clegane Bowl almost seems pointless. The real Gregor is gone and nothing but an undead Frankenstein creature left in his place. I suppose Sandor will have to put an end to him. I wonder just how they will play this out in S8.

  18. Great video Robert! @indeepgeek Sandor will definitely weild fire at some point. I think hanging out with Thoros and Brother Ray and their sacrifice is helping him shape that way.

  19. The Hound is my favorite character by far. His need to fight his brother is equal to his need to conquer fire. Yet, I feel his fear will be overtaken by love / obligation to save someone instead of anger kill someone.

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