Paddy Considine is playing King Viserys, but who is that? (Picture: Sky/Getty)

Paddy Considine has been cast as King Viserys I in the upcoming Game of Thrones prequel House of the Dragon, so here is what you need to know about that role.

Last week, it was announced that Hot Fuzz and Peaky Blinders actor Considine would be taking on the role of the fifth Targaryen king of Westeros, King Viserys I.

For even the most learned scholars of Game of Thrones and George RR Martin’s book series A Song of Ice and Fire, that name might be a new one.

So to help understand what this casting means, and knowing a little bit more about who this character is, here is a collection of information and theories about where this might lead.

Who is King Viserys? Was Viserys in Game of Thrones?

Viserys II was played by Harry Lloyd, and is the grandson of Considine’s character (Picture: HBO)

While a Viserys, the petulant brother of Daenerys, did feature in Game of Thrones, that was Viserys Targaryen II. Totally different guy (although he is the grandson of Considine’s character.)

No, to understand who Considine is playing and in turn what the show will be about, we have to go back around 200 years before the original show and books are set.

In the broader lore of the books, King Viserys I is described as a pleasant and amiable ruler. He was the fifth Targaryen king on the Iron Throne and ruled during a particularly powerful time for the dynasty.

He was generous and hosted feasts and tournaments regularly and was well-loved by both his court and the public. All in all, it sounds counter to just about everything we know from this world.

And yes, he is a dragonrider, (although only in his earlier days before taking the Iron Throne.)

What will House of The Dragon be about?

Daenerys will not feature in the show, but it will likely tell of the great rift that tore her family apart. (Picture: HBO)

While not confirmed, most details point to the show being about a particularly brutal and bloody time in Westeros’ history dubbed the Dance of Dragons.

While concrete details on the show are scarce, there have been several hints towards the conflict. Franchise creator Martin said in a blog post announcing House of The Dragon that he wouldn’t go into what the show was actually about, but that fans should read ‘a copy of two anthologies I did with Gardner Dozois, Dangerous Women, and Rogues.’

These anthologies are important as they contain stories defining the conflict of the Dance of Dragons.

On top of that, the fact that Considine is playing Viserys I points further at the conflict.

What did Viserys have to do with The Dance of the Dragons?

The Dance of Dragons was a civil war within the Targaryen house, and Viserys was the catalyst.

Only one of his children, his daughter Rhaenyra, survived to adulthood. From an early age, Viserys primed her to be his heir. When her mother died, Viserys named Rhaenyra his successor and the lords and knights agreed. He remarried to Alicent Hightower later on, and had four more children.

The problem, however, came upon Viserys’ death. While most agreed that Rhaenyra was positioned to take up the throne, due to older succession laws and the make-up of the small council, a legitimate claim was made by Alicent Hightower. She stated that her firstborn son Aegon should be next-in-line to receive the thrown.

Paddy Considine will sit on the Iron Throne. (Picture: Rex/HBO)

Then what?

A big war involving a lot of dragons, which seems like a pretty exciting event to centre a TV show around.

However, it’s entirely possible that House of the Dragon will focus on another period in Viserys’ life, though it seems likely at least some of his story would touch on the details leading up to the Dance.

How long Considine makes it into the show before meeting his end, we don’t know. Much like Sean Bean’s Ned Stark in the original series, a character doesn’t have to make it far to be deeply influential to the events of the story.

House of Dragon is expected to arrive on HBO in 2022.

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MORE: Game of Thrones writer hints at massive House of the Dragon plot point: What is the Dance of the Dragons?

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