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(1) David Lamadrid: I don’t think that Bloodraven would have to be with Aerys to “Hodor” him. Ned wasn’t even alive when he heard Bran call to him at the tower of joy.

(2) the fourth time we hear someone scream BURN THEM ALL in the vision, it might also be Mad King Aerys’ voice


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  1. Bran wasn't alive yet when Ned was at the Tower of Joy either, but he still made contract.. I think there will be a "Hodor-esque" twist here.. And I think it's going to have the same effect AS Hodor on us, the fans..

  2. Night king could have green sight. He could interact with Bran in his vision, he saw the ravens coming in 7e6, and it felt like he had been waiting for a dragon to come to him.
    maybe he tried to get Aerys to "Burn the Wall"

  3. Let's apply the occam's razor. Neither Bran nor the raven have been seen or known to change or manipulate the past. Therefore, it is entirely possible that Hodor and the mad king had visions of the future on their own. The mad king did not turned out as screwed as Hodor since the king was older (has more mental strength) than Hodor when he recieved the vision and that he didn't see his death as Hodor did.

    Hodor's vision made him live his death before he actually died, thus confusing him as a little kid not knowing for a while if he had died or was gonna die soon or any other psychological explanation. In contrast, the mad king knew the night king was real and he was trying to be proactive.

    TL:DR Hodor and the Mad King saw the visions of the future on their own

  4. i think Aerys went mad because he has PTSD. There are many reasons for this, but here are the 3 big ones:
    1. he was at Summerhall
    2. his wife had a lot of miscarriages
    3. he was a prisoner at Duskendale for 6 months where he was tortured and (most likely) raped

    especially after Duskendale, he went totally batshit crazy. He wouldnt allow anyone to cut his hair or nails and NEVER left the Red Keep (except for the tourney at Harrenhal)

  5. Sorry if someone else has said this, but what if bran or The bloodraven has to reach back into the mind of the mad king, as he's the only person who knows where all of the wildfire is? Or maybe one of the people outside the pyromancers who understands it's creation. What if the message was just to burn the dead, burn them all? When they die in their homes, when they die in their beds, burn them all. Total shots into the dark.

    Either way. Love the fleshing out of this theory dude, kudos.

  6. Honestly it just seems simply more likely that Aryes was genetically predisposed to insanity thanks to incest in the Targaryen lineage. I think is supported by Viserys, son of the Mad King, showing similar signs.

  7. They made wildfire because the dragons died off and they had to keep their power. Didn't it say somewhere that some targaryens drank the stuff in an attempt to breathe fire like dragons?
    I don't think anyone did anything to the mad king, just like no one did anything to joffrey.

  8. I think it was definitely Bran. Like in the first book when (I think it's Robb) says all the Brans had become the same person in Old Nans head. I think Bran got into Mad Kings head. But your theory could be right. Perhaps Old Nan is Melisandre.

  9. Maybe the Night King grabbed him in order to prevent something from happening (again). Goal of the Night King could be to eradicate all life on Westeros so the Shadow and the Flames do not consume the world. Dragons are not all good in this world so the Whites must not be all bad either.

    I wonder what they will bring into the show that is good about the undead.

  10. green seeing has the ability to transcend time. I suppose that"s what "Hodoring" is here. there is no indication a seer needs to have first walked in that persons skin to interact with them in a vision. in fact Bran speaks to his dad at the Tower of joy scene and Ned hears him, even stops for a second. he technically changes the past by making his dad pause. (without screwing him up I might add) that's why blood Raven gives his the lecture on the ink being dry and pulls him out of the vision. Blood Raven knows they can change the past most likely from experience, he could have easily done the same to many people over the years. we have very little info on the effects and implications of green seeing.

  11. The problem with the Mad King influence as opposed to Hodor is that the Mad King's don't make sense. Bran was with Hodor when he had a vision of Hodor as a young boy. What would be the purpose of having a vision of the mad King? Unless Bran is trying to influence the Mad King to create multple cache's of green-fire so as to be used against the undead in the future. Create massive cache's of green-fire to "burn them all" (the undead). Though this is probably just a coincedence and its more likely that the Mad Kign was just mad. He already had a reputation for burning people alive using the green fire, so in all liklihood, its just the Mad King being mad.

  12. Man the wall = Burn them all??
    Hold the door = Hodor?

    Probs not just saying it sounds similar and would make sense as the wall hadn't been manned properly in ages, and would deffo need to be in the war against the dead.

  13. Why would anyone trust that any messages whispered to the Mad King would be percieved correctly or that he would even carry out the subject of those messages? He was crazy for a long time & hoping that a crazy person is going to understand you seems a bit…crazy.

  14. That 3rd 'Burn' sounded like Tormund to me. It, in my opinion it sounded nothing like Max Von Sydow, who plays Bloodraven. I am not sure why Tormund would be in Bran's vision if it were him. However we do have Tormund and Bran both in Castle black at the moment. Also Tormund is on his way to 'East Watch by Sea' to protect it. At the same time The Hound is having a vision of a coming undead army approaching. So maybe Bran is green seeing at the same time as the army is approaching – Pure Speculation by the way –

  15. It sounds like Jaime to me. Imagine if Jaime, the same one who killed the Mad King because he was yelling burn them all, was the one who actually caused the Mad King to yell it in the first place. Sounds like a reach but perhaps if Bran is in a vision in the past, Jaime yelling "Burn them all" or "Burn the wall" in the present could somehow slip through as a whisper in the past. I could see this happening during the final battle vs the Night King

  16. I think Aerys was having prophetic dreams about the coming whitewalkers, but because of the Targaryen's tendency of madness due to inbreeding he was unable to figure out what those dreams were asking of him to do

  17. This is why I don't like bran after hodor, anything he has done in the past is done he can't change anything it's already done, plus in the show he's just a plot device to find out jons parentage. Also I just can't think of what he will find in the past to help the fight against the dead, we seem to know a lot about them in terms of defeating them e.g. Fire, dragon glass and valyrian steel

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