Why did Rhaegar and Lyanna choose to call their baby Aegon? What does the name mean or signify? And will Jon have a different name in the books?

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  1. I don't think the HOU was about Rhagaer's 3 kids. The 3 heads from the prophecy are Jon, Dany, and their child. The name Aegon was the head fake to make you think we was talking about his first son, not his second. The show calling Jon Aegon will be mirrored in the book. John is the song of fire and ice – how would Ellia's son be a song of ice an fire? c'mon think about it. and its a dream like vision so I suppose Rhaegar himself may not have named him. Maybe Lyana knowing about the Ellia's kids' fate prompted her in doing that but could she have known?

  2. My opinion: Rhaegar had made it up with Lyanna that their child be named Visenya, because he expected a girl. He was killed by Robert before the child was born, though, as were his first wife and their children. Lyanna had probably always felt that she was betraying Elia, and would blame herself for the latter's rape, death, murder of her children. To at least honour her memory, Lyanna decided to name her child after Elia's. If it'd be a girl, she would ignore Rhaegar's wish and name her Rhaenys. If it'd be a boy, she would call him Aegon.

  3. I think Jon will refuse the name and the title. I can see him saying something like "What ever my true parents wished for me is gone. I was raised in the North. Everything I've done since being born has been in the name of Jon Snow. That's who I am and I won't let it go."

    Everything about him IS Jon Snow. I hope Bran and Sam tell no one.

  4. Jon being a Targaryen and a having a new name cheapens his arc.  GOT is becoming more cliche with this "chosen one" thing.   The story is about overcoming your deficiencies and rising to the occasion.

  5. I would really love that the show present Aegon comes undercover as leader of the Golden company. Maybe his father Raegar appears to be alive but broken since no one could find his body after the Trident.

  6. The only people that have a problem with Jon being Aegon seem to be the book readers. Try for one fucking second to remember that there are things in the show that arent in the books and vise versa. In the show we have no information as to who decided the name, or what the names of Rhaegar's other children are, or any other info concerning circumstances around Rhaegar's life at all–save for the fact that Robert killed him and that he was suspected of kidnapping and raping Lyanna (and that he was a good singer, blah blah). So it is perfectly logical for Jon to have been given this name. Plus this guy in the vid brings up good points in the beginning about whether it was Lyanna who gave the name after the death of Rhaegar or whether they decided together. But even that doesn't really matter because it doesn't conflict with any information we've been given in the show. You would think that, after season 3 or 4 at least, book readers would stop assuming that what happens in the show is indicative of what is going to happen in future books. Ok, End of Rant.
    Btw, I have read the books–all of them. But I still judge the show completely separately from the books, and I don't conflate events that happen in the books with events in the show. I simply don't understand how so many others can still be doing this. Ok, that was The End of Rant for realsies.

  7. I doubt that Rhaegar would risk disinheriting his main children by formally anulling his marriage to Elia Martell. Although his child with Lyanna would be viewed as a bastard by all, the status would not adversely impact the prophecy. Furthermore, Rhaegar could simply legitimise his bastard and fling when he became king. Which appeared to be soon, as Rhaegar stated that he would resolve his mad fathers volatile shenanigans once he dealt with the rebellion. With the Starks and Baratheons defeated, his relationship with Lyanna and their newborn could be openly displayed and grudgingly accepted. The Kings word is law, like it or not. Rhaegar could have two wives, much to Dorne's discontent, just as his forefathers once did. The peace would last for a long time, especially if Tywin is rehired by Rhaegar; who would formally apologise for the insults Tywin tolerated. End.

  8. I wonder if cersie will feel some kind of somthing for Jon snow because when she was a child she had a big crush on rhargar and never forgave robbert for killing him so I wonder if she will develop sympathy for Jon should she learn who his parents are….anyone think something similar ?

  9. Rhaegar and his family all have blonde hair what if Leanna also slept with Robert before then that would explain Jon's black hair and eyes. Remember in season 1 when Ned looked in the book of how each houses kids looked they all followed the Fathers genealogy?

  10. HBO has confirmed that R+L=J, however in the books I believe this will be different. Its far too obvious for this to be true, this is not GRRM style. If you really study the books, there are many hints that Ned is actually Jons father, with his first true love , Ashara Dayne. He only married Catelyn because he was forced to, when his brother Brendan died, and Hoster Tully arranged for Ned to marry Catelyn, in order to gain RiverRun as an ally in Roberts Rebellion. Ned did not love Catelyn the way the show depicted it, Catelyn was a stupid bitch in the books, her actions caused the war to start between the Starks and the Lannisters when she foolishly abducted Tyrion. She had more in common with her crazy sister than you may believe. She also forced Ned to accept Robert's choice for Ned to become his hand, even when Ned fervently refused. Ned was right all along, if he never accepted the position as hand of the King, all the Stark family members would still be alive. I advise you guys to check out a channel by the name of Order Of The Greenhand, they break down this theory really good.

  11. + Sue Mead Not sure what you mean by "the Lyanna story is just one example of the Americanisation of GOT…" considering that GRRM, the book author is very much American. Care to rephrase that?

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