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Would be nice if studios could just play ball. Inhumans vs Hellfire Club….epic
Bring back the old banshee actor and Emma frost actor so she can have a relationship with cyclops like the comics.
wish we could get Emma Frost back.
Sounds like they scraped it based on creative issues. That's okay considering we got two great shows, Legion and The Gifted. For the most part, I'm happy with what they did with the X-Men characters. So much more can happen and so much more should have happened, but hey, we take whatever they throw at us and hope it's good. TERRANCE OUT
Cause marvel has tv rights to F4 and xmen and will eventually make something
Fox can either get on board or get out of the way
Consider this reason given when the Hellfire show was canned: The team for the Hellfire Club show used to work on the 24 show. Then the new, now canceled spin-off show for 24, was greenlit and the team immediately went back to do 24.
The future for the X-Men is looking bright fox is heading in the right direction (BTW don't start they should be in the MCU bull shit) anyways new mutants looks good and will be awesome Deadpool 2 despite having a few character look problems will turn out well X-Men dark phoniex is getting 2 movies one regular and another in space which is a good plan this year Logan a fuckin masterpiece on RT with a 92% legion a cool and different acid trippy show and the gifted which is alright things look promising X-Men is gonna be fine fantastic four on the other hand that's a different story….
I want to see an R Rated Hellfire Club movie that takes place 60s and takes place right after first class and in the same continuity
Kind of sucks that it didn’t get greenlit. All of the X-Men shows have been amazing, doubt this would have been different.
I could imagine a HELLFIRE CLUB series in the vein of MAD MEN meets HOUSE OF CARDS.
Can we get a Deadpool show? Haha that would never happen
Did u guys see the trailer for justice league where cyborg said boyah
Speaking of Fox and franchise wars, did anyone notice on IMDB the Dark Phoenix entry says Fox cast the role of Luna?? (Luna Maximoff is the daughter of Quicksilver and Crystal of the Inhuman Royals, in Earth-616) Pretty far out when we talk about characters as properties.
So are you gonna talk about what James Gunn said about the MCU & DC fansboys fighting each other ? lol James Gunn is 100% rite
I have a feeling that the hellfire club will be the big villains for the gifted season two
I don't know much bout the hellfire I've heard of it though
Because Marvel wanted to do the Runaways and that has a group of evil adults with powers. But includes a bunch of teens to grab that audience. Since Marvel has control over TV depictions of mutants they didn't want a similar TV concept to their own.
It's fox so yeah
The Dceu is coming to an end after justice league and dctards know it. Sorry bro
I would’ve loved to have seen the hellfire club again or at least Emma Frost . Since we’re getting new mutants movie and an force movie , maybe at some point we’ll get a Generation X movie with new actors playing Emma Frost and Banshee since days of future past the timeline was reset . Rosamund Pike as Emma and Domhnall Gleeson would be great as Banshee imo .
Hellfire Club would have been way best Marvel tv show, rivaling Legion.
He can have crap like Death stroke but not this
In November ill have the last laugh
That has a lot of sense.
F Marvel – david ayer
Why dc is cancerous and toxic
Is this some kind of X – Men TV show?
If i watch Justice League I'll end up like Hacks Daughter because of how awful it will be
I'm happy to be an X-men fan this year legion, Gifted and Logan are awesome can't wait for New mutants Demon bear storyline
I hope justice league flops miserably
I believe hellfire club would’ve been better as a movie