We prep you for all the sci-fi and fantasy TV coming in the rest of 2021, catch up with all the Marvel buzz, bring you House of the Dragon info, and more.

What happened this week in the worlds of movies, TV, fantasy and sci-fi? That’s what you read WiC Weekly for.

First up, a creative Game of Thrones fans imagined what Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen might look like if HBO had stuck a bit closer to George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire novels:

What’s on the docket for sci-fi and fantasy fans for the rest of 2021? If you’re a TV fan, a lot!

We’re getting a Game of Thrones prequel in the form of House of the Dragon, and it sounds like it’s following in the footsteps of its predecessor in the best way:

New Zealand has been associated with The Lord of the Rings for decades, and a recent shake-up has people scrambling for answers:

Back to House of the Dragon, we try to solve the mystery of a key character. Namely: where is he?

Those holding out hope for a Harry Potter reunion movie probably shouldn’t hold their breath:

Sony and Marvel broke the internet this week with the release of the trailer for Spider-Man: No Way Home. Let’s get weird with it:

That one time when…

How did Westeros and Essos come to be? Scientists from the University of Sydney created a video exploring the geology of George R.R. Martin’s fantasy world:

Meng’er Zhang tells us about her very first film role in Marvel’s Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, and proves why she’s one to watch:

And there’s lots more where that came from — there always is.

To stay up to date on everything fantasy, science fiction, and WiC, follow our all-encompassing Facebook page and sign up for our exclusive newsletter.

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