This past week gave us a Lord of the Rings trailer, a Stranger Things release date, and new info about House of the Dragon. Our cup runneth over.

It’s Sunday, which means it’s time to find out what’s happening in the worlds of TV, movies, sci-fi and fantasy. It’s time for WiC Weekly.

First up, we take a long look at an under-appreciated aspect of Game of Thrones: the romance.

Amazon has dropped the first full trailer for The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power! Let’s get into it:

Sticking with The Lord of the Rings, the fan reaction has been…interesting.

In space, no one can hear you scream when you get the bill for a stay in this Star Wars hotel:

Let’s pivot to HBO’s Game of Thrones prequel show for a second, because there’s some exciting stuff happening on that front:

And House of the Dragon isn’t the only Game of Thrones prequel show HBO is contemplating:

Looking for something new to read before it inevitably turns up on TV?

Stranger Things season 4 release date, posters, season 5 info and more!

Game of Thrones director Alan Taylor shares some behind-the-scenes secrets:

It’s never too early to start getting hyped for The Witcher season 3:

And they’ll be plenty more where that came from this upcoming week. Stick around!

To stay up to date on everything fantasy, science fiction, and WiC, follow our all-encompassing Facebook page and sign up for our exclusive newsletter.

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