The new game we’re working on, a dark fantasy shooter called Witchfire. More info and screenshots:



  1. Holy shit. The Vanishing is my favourite game and none other came close to changing that. I'm so fucking hyped for this. It looks even better than your previous game and frankly that is still the best looking game out there. I hope you guys will achieve all you want with this title. Hopefully it will come out on Linux as well, but no big deal if it doesn't I guess.

  2. Me: Yo this looks nice
    " from the creators of The Vanishing of Ethan Carter "
    Me: Makes sense…
    Sky turns dark, Draws gun
    Me: Okay…
    Goes closer, the thing's eyes glow
    Me: Oh shit Bulletstorm!?

  3. Mareszcie cos od was slychac chlopy (i baby).

    Moim zdaniem rewolucje w FPP mozna dzis robic tylko z zaawansowana walka melee i "wertykalna".
    Tzn. kontrolowane sidestepy, sciany, sufit, wspinanie sie, odwracanie kamery na bok, do gory nogami, teleport za plecy, wgryzanie sie w szyje.
    No ale widzę, ze robicie klasycznego shootera. 😀
    Brak GUI to tez pewnie tylko tymczasowe zjawisko. :/

  4. i was watching this and thought "this looks nice, beautiful art, and nice scenery kinda Gothic, creators of vanishing of Ethan? cool. Oh it got dark must be horror based. Is that a shotgun? Oh god what is that!? Wait painkiller and bulletstorm too!? Oh magic too!?" I'm pretty fuckin hyped for this game

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