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00:04:30 ROUND 1 Worst movie of Summer 2017?
00:21:47 ROUND 2 What two actors should star in a Face/Off reboot?
00:31:09 ROUND 3 Best Schwarzenegger comedy of all time?
00:45:54 ROUND 4 In honor of Labor Day coming up — What movie character has the best job?
00:59:33 ROUND 5 After âITâ ruins clowns forever, what other occupation should get its own horror movie?
01:09:45 SPEED ROUND
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Andy Signore –
Lon Harris –
Dan Murrell –
Marc Andreyko –
Danielle Radford –
Goodbye movie fights and goodbye andy!
When I haven't seen any of the movies, they tell me they suck, and still sell me on it(or at least curious)! That is a damn good movie fight. Damn, sign these people up for advertising jobs right away.
The Sword In The Stone live action remake will hopefully be the best King Arthur movie. Lately, Disney can do no wrong.
The girl should have brought up Dwight shrugs for the Vice President
Wily wonky for a job
For the worst summer movies of 2017 are
The Emoji Movie
Despicable Me 3
Transformers The last knight
Round 4 was one of my favorite movie fights ever. Well-chosen question. Please rerun that sometime!
People are gettin this wrong. You don't watch Transformers because you want to see good storytelling or a complicated plot. People watch Transformers to see cars and explosions.
Danielle seemed nervous. I wonder why. Did Andy take a shot at her before the show?
I love Danielle !
When talking about Vin's three famous words was she talking about "I am Groot" or "One last ride"?
Baywatch is horrible but CHIPS was way worse so I would have to vote for one of the other movies. CHIPS Is one of the most incompetent movies I have ever seen.
Spot on over the Transformers but one thing, It is a Michael Bay movie, The explosions are never … EVER … too loud! LOL
glad they didn't go ith lost world in the speed round. Lost World is sooooooo awful.
Danielle is so boring.
Vin Diesel does act and is great in Boiler Room. But much like Brandon Fraiser and School Ties he never seems to hit that Mark again.
1:04:00 Everyone skirting around "Carnies" as offensive. Then she says "When it comes to carnival workers, they are too LAZY to be blah blah…" lol lets not be offensive, but y'know callin em all lazy is cool. Ha
Emoji Movie. Nuff said.
King Arthur was good
love your movie fights. please bring dave again to another movie fight
I actually liked the transformers movie….in my opinion it was a lot better than the fourth one.
With so much rip on Charlie Hunnam, he might as well say that Jax sucked in Sons of Anarchy.
I knew of a carnie who went by the name Death. And apparently the name matched the look and demeanor. Secondly, mailmen would be incredible horror villains. They can get info on you, stalk you, they're largely unseen and no one bats an eye at them.
I'm sorry but King Arthur is not a bad movie, I would actually say it's the best film of 2017 (so far). I have seen every big movie this year and nearly all of them have been disappointing . But King Arthur had so much greatness to it that it's needs another chance!
1: The mummy (2017)
2: Jason Statham Vs. Jon Berenthal
3: Kindergarten Cop
4: Leon: the professional assassin
5: Cafeteria Ladies
Christ Screen Junkies really sucking the Rocks Dick laterly.
Danielle has dumb ideas
Why didn't any of them pick Twins!?!
Great fighters, all well spoken and gave great points
Quarter pleased rest rfmwvb stay block spokesman dig ready ceiling doctrine.
Face/off Mel Gibson and Michael Keaton. Keaton as Castor Troy. *looks in the mirror, "LETS GET NUTS"
Hmm, funny. I went 5/5 for Dan. That's a first. Well OK one of the Dan's was Danielle for True Lies, but still đ
Commando is the best Arnold Schwarzenegger comedy movie
Best movie with Vince Vaughn…..Uh…HACKSAW RIDGE?!?! Infinitely better movie than those argued.
No one mentioning that Marc's horror film is just They Live? Come on guys!
I mean this as a huge compliment: If I were Gay, Marc Andreyko would be my man crush. He's just perfect, both intellectually, and in personality.
True Crimes was ABSOLUTELY better than Last Action Hero or Kindergarten Cop.
Face Off with Woody Harelson and Andy Serkis! Haha
The movie job round was magnificent! Hahaha
WTF!!!!!!!!!!! 720p such a bad quality…… Lol we living in 2017 my friends. Get your quality up!!
Hacksaw ridge stars Vince Vaughn???
I was actually thinking Rock and Vin Diesel before Dan even said it lmao
Round 4 Danielle choice is not the greatest with God from Bruce. He specifically told Bruce that he gave him only 1 city to look after. He was still working the rest of the world so he was never on a vacation. Just saying.