Compilation with best reactions of people, watching the death of Ygritte, below you can find links to original full videos. Go watch them too if you love watching great reactions :
1. Mister Chris –
2. SH4773R –
3. Dario Moriconi –
4. Maka Albarn –
5. Isidora Cortes –
6. italian77stalion –
7. Lortaysy –
8. Wyatt 82 life adventures –
9. SADHChannel –
10. secondone1000 –
11. ECpruduction –
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1:56, thats exactly my reaction
It was too sad to me… I cried and that assholes are smiling. Fuck this shit i'm done
That first one makes me lose my faith in humanity
Saddest death for me.
Why the fuck would you cheer over the death of Ygritte?
i never liked ygritte, and yes i was so happy about her death
meh no one gives a fuck about some wildling hehhehehehe
the first Scene Shows intelligent reactions, he second Scene Shows "game of thrones is a love Drama" reactions.
Fun fact: only Americans smile over this scene.
Haha, bitch killed a bunch of innocent people, idgaf about her.
If think the show has a deep drama, you should read the books. Everything is narrated in a much more detailed way, by different character in every chapter, so you got this multiple POV thing that added to extra detail, things that are kept untold in the show, just overcomes the levels of deepness. I feel bad for people that didn't get to read it.
Now, ygritte's death actually wasn't like that. There was bo stupid kid shooting her and stuff, jon just found her lying on the ground after the battle was finished. However, there was no 1v1 with styr so that sucks. The dialogue between the two, about the cave and the you know nothing end did happen as well
I'm watching Game of Thrones for the first time and saw Ygritte die and get cremated by Jon. She's probably my favorite character in Game of Thrones and they just took her away. It hurts. One day, I may accept it. But I will always miss her.
Did you cut it before they talked or did you get them like that?
the first woman did ever understand the show?
Fuck Ollys dad for his disgraceful sperm cells. That's crime in itself so fuck his village
Why they hate her ? wtf dudes
I'm going to rant on a little in this but WFT!?What is this the lion king? why is there a pack of hyenas laughing at? Must hate her as much as joffrey. Yes she killed some villagers, but for the record they had it coming, and she wasn't alone while doing it, make it sound like she killed and ate the whole village by herself, wat? She had some sense then those brainless savages who will kill anyone and f*ck anyone in their way*cough (she didn't kill Gilley and the baby).
the reaction of the four guys is the best
People who laugh at her death make me even more upset, I litterally cried when she died
Why would anyone be happy that little shyte killed Ygritte? Only a women I guess. The best moment was seeing Ollies Face with the rope around his neck twitching.
love how the guys are pissed of at the bloke for killing of the hot girl rofl
I just watched that episode for the first time tonight.
rip my favorite character, fuck that fucking kid!
Meh Ygritte no scoped Olly's dad in the back of the head he wasnt a warrior or a soldier, he was a farmer. We dont feel bad for Ygritte we feel bad for Jon and the fact that he had to see her die, she was hot, but she wasnt a very good person :/
All u fucking idiots who laughed: SCREW YOU
Why dafuq these fucking assholes are happy? Fuck you! Bastards!
3:50 The fat flowery guy is creepy…
Are people forgetting though that what Ygritte and that group did to the village was exactly what the night's watch did to the free people… They were on different sides and believed to be each other's enemies… No death is something to be happy about…
I was so crying… all those people laughing makes me feel even more sad :'(
She helped murder a VILLAGE FULL OF INNOCENT PEOPLE. And we're supposed to feel bad for her cause Jon ate her out a couple times? Sheeeeeeit. Check yourselves lol
Wow people laughed? Wow….
I fucking cried :c
People that are happy about this death actually scare me.
Annnndddddd Game of Thrones has done it again!
I hate when things like that has to happen

Ygrittes death was emotionally crippling for me
fuck olly
#FuckOlly #Since2014
I hate you jolly
I don't get why so many people are pissed at the kid for killing her like how the Fuck was he supposed to know they were in love
wait WHAT THE FUCK!?! i came here to see people grieving for this amazing character and instead i see people laughing and clapping…how the fuck can you not like Ygritte?
Ygritte granted me so many boners while reading the book…. been so sad when she died….
You know, I could see her death coming, it was either Jon or her, but it pissed me off SO f*cking much that it was that kid that killed. Like come on, for f*ck sake, if someone is going to kill her, at least have killed off by a relevant character. Seriously, who the f*ck is that kid!?
I cried, like… a lot. I don't think she would end up killing him…