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Composer: Zack Hemsey
Album: The Way
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Image: Info: I’m not the owner or creator of this music or images. All rights belong to the owners. This video is fan made for entertainment purpose. Please don’t ask me for permissions: I can’t give permission to use music or images because I do not own it. Please do not ask for downloads: I do not offer downloads for anything. Primary image sources: ,
"With Fire and Blood I will take back whats mine!"
Like this song but think it's too slow? Try using the settings to speed up the video by 1.25, it works wonders!
"Three great men a king, a priest, and a rich man enter a room with a common sellsword, each great man pleads to the sellsword to spare their life and slay the others, who lives, who dies?"
"Depends on the sellsword."
"Does it? He has neither a title, gold, nor favor with the gods."
"He has a sword, the power of life and death."
"But if it is indeed swordsmen that truly rule, why do we pretend kings and queens hold all the power?"
"When Ned Stark was beheaded that day, who killed him? Joffrey, the executioner, or, something g else entirely?"
"I've decided I hate riddles."
"Power resides where people believe it resides, it's a trick, a shadow on the wall, and a very small man can cast a very LARGE shadow."
'Rocky Marciano was a Savage' brought me here…
Google and The Equalizer brought me here! love this song!!!
The equalizer and google brought me here daamm i love this song!!!
I hope they can put this song in The Punisher series. Honestly just imagine The Punisher slaughtering and gunning down the bad guys with this song playing.

Wow such a intense picture!
Edit: The music is just as good.
I'm actually here because of Equalizer.
e p i c !
I actually can't stand Dany because I think she has no reason to rule the iron throne but hearing this makes me reconsider everything. Her reason is vengeance.
"Lannister, Targaryen, Baratheon, Stark, Tyrell: They’re all just spokes on a wheel. This one’s on top, then that one’s on top, then on and on it spins. _"I'm not going to stop the wheel. I'm going to break the wheel."
Cmon Khaleesi burn dem all
Kneel before Khaleesi !
that woman is perfection in her facial looks.
They're all spokes on a wheel… on top, then the other. I'm not going to be part of the wheel…..I'm going to break the wheel.
Daenerys Targaryen <3
Best music to be playing LoL with.
beautiful sound, but is fantastic
VENGEANCE is a dish best served COLD….
revenge has never been so sweet and beautiful
Clicked for Khaleesi.
Stayed for Khaleesi.
Went to bed with Khaleesi all over my chest and pants area.
one woman will destroy the world faster than man…
I could listen to this track all day long.
Great decision to feature this one in The Equalizer.
Before I die alone
Let me have vengeance
Before I die alone
I will have vengeance
Before I die alone
Let me have vengeance
Before I die alone
I will have vengeance
Before I die alone
Before my time has gone
There's just one thing I have to do
Before the fire and stone
Before your world is gone
Have you some patience
'Cuz I will have my vengeance
Before I die alone
Let me have vengeance
Before my time has gone
I will have vengeance
Before I die alone
Let me have vengeance
Before my time has gone
I will have vengeance
Before I die alone
Let me have vengeance
I will, I will have my vengeance
Before your world is gone
Before the fire and stone
Have you some patience
'Cuz I will have my vengeance
Before I die alone (before I die alone)
Before my time has gone (before my time has gone)
Let me have vengeance
I will, I will
I will have vengeance
I will have vengeance