Get a primer in the magic and machinations of Game of Thrones, just in time for its Season 7 premiere.

Game of Thrones: Season 7 Trailer Confirms MAJOR Events:

Game of Thrones: Season 7 Trailer SECRETS and Theories:

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  1. Jorah mormont of Bear Island, First of his name, The friendzoned, King of relationships and friendzone, Khal of the Great vast relations, Breaker of relationships, and father of the friendzone

  2. Watch 1 hour full S01-S06 summary on my channel. Relive and cherish the moments before S07 starts. Just a GOT fan like you.

    PS : It includes original characters telling their pov in interviews within. Thank me later !!

  3. That was one of the best and clearest recaps I've seen. The story line always seemed too complicated for me to get into. I've been around friends while they were watching some of the more important episodes (Red Wedding, Hordor…etc) so I have some idea of how the show is. This made it was easier to follow along. I might actually watch next season.

  4. This was just messy bullshit. I could improvise this shot better than you. if you have no idea about the world and the story just shut up but no you need the clicks so you have to do this video right before the next season

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