Get a primer in the magic and machinations of Game of Thrones, just in time for its Season 7 premiere.
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What are you most looking forward to in Game of Thrones: Season 7??!?!?
– Terri
you know nothing ign
THANK YOU for the recap!
Not 5 Minutes. Disliked.
h a v i n g s e x
Jorah mormont of Bear Island, First of his name, The friendzoned, King of relationships and friendzone, Khal of the Great vast relations, Breaker of relationships, and father of the friendzone
GOT in 6 minutes and 31 seconds. Not 5.
Watch 1 hour full S01-S06 summary on my channel. Relive and cherish the moments before S07 starts. Just a GOT fan like you.
PS : It includes original characters telling their pov in interviews within. Thank me later !!
Thanks for the recap!
I just learned that it takes longer than 5 minutes to recap Game of Thrones.
The Lannisters were not behind Jon Arryn's death though, Littlefinger and Lysa Arryn were behind his death.
that is a very bad recap.
Also, the first fifth of the video is just episode one!
Season 8?
1:42 "tiny butt kicker"
valar morgolis
The last one minute and 31 seconds do not count!
this recap is bad not because it's poorly written but because you can't condensed Game of Thrones to five minutes
5/10 too many thrones
It's not a secret that Jon is a Targaryen, it cuts from the babies face to Jon's in the show, who made this?
Title should be "Game of thrones in 6m 32s".
Jon Snow is another Targaryen.
Ugh, your voice…
That was one of the best and clearest recaps I've seen. The story line always seemed too complicated for me to get into. I've been around friends while they were watching some of the more important episodes (Red Wedding, Hordor…etc) so I have some idea of how the show is. This made it was easier to follow along. I might actually watch next season.
"seasons take years" boohoo try decades lol
Didn't even mention that Jon is a targarian.
just one small detail, Ned didn't get the axe 'literally,' I guess you could say he got the sword instead…
The red wedding still gives me chills.
Alt Shift X did it properly.
A Song of Ice and Fire is the perfect metaphor for our inability to come together against the threat of climate change.
goes from neds death to Tyron being betrayed, which is like 3 seasons
This was just messy bullshit. I could improvise this shot better than you. if you have no idea about the world and the story just shut up but no you need the clicks so you have to do this video right before the next season
AHHHH the time line is so messed up
this was terrible you guys left out alot of important characters and events and keep mixing the story up
cd projekt red needs to make a game of this series
Thats how you convince someone to watch got, or at least explain whats the trouble. It would be amazing if the video will be subtitled.(its ok in english too;sorry for mistakes)
Why am I watching this? I've rewatched GOT 4 times hahaha
lul where is house tyrell and martell?
Jesus, skipping forward, I only need to know the last episode or two…| just skipped forward and it has barely any details from the last episode. Waste of time video.
implications? that was verification… don't cover subjects you aren't familiar with if you're just going to confuse people for views. smh
3 days remaining "A man has no patience"
rename it to recap in 6 mins
Isn't this game of thrones last season
Horrible video, just bad
I am personally offended by the lack of Theon. He isn't even mentioned!