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  1. When Euron almost gave away the spoiler about who "brightens" his day, do you think it could have been a joke about Azor Ahai? Lord of Light, Lightbringer, light "brightens" his day? Could it be confirming (now that Missandei has clarified the translation) that Azor Ahai is actually Dany, the princess who was promised?

  2. Hot blonde girl with long hair has already won. She has arial supremacy (dragons) and she is sitting on a mountain of dragon glass. The only thing she has to do now is to wait and let the army of the dead do their thing.

  3. I mean its weird no one talks about the fact that jamie will most likely kill cersi when she goes a bit more mad, and then he will end up killing himself too. to show his ever lasting love for her.

  4. This has been the longest wait ever. One more week to go. Sadly, i think, between your channel and so many other channels with GoT news I already know pretty much everything that is going to happen, now its just being strapped in for the cinematic effect.

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