Game Of Thrones Season 7 Theory Confirmed. Daenerys Dragonstone and Sansa Teaser, Cersei Lannister, Euron Greyjoy and Season 7 Cast Interviews โบ
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Leave all your Game Of Thrones video requests in the comments. New Trailer coming soon, only a couple of weeks until episode 1 drops!
"Carice Van Outen" …
Iol at the guy at 7:42 he is like "its jaime fockin lannister!!"
Game of thrones has taken over my life lol
Cersi dies at the end of episode 7
I thought Jamie Lannisters armor was an homage to his father and his house.Cersei shouldn't have any problem with that.
So just one battle.
Facepalm he said "so close to saying the name" not "HER name"
0:47 Oh my god! Dat face!!!!!
When Euron almost gave away the spoiler about who "brightens" his day, do you think it could have been a joke about Azor Ahai? Lord of Light, Lightbringer, light "brightens" his day? Could it be confirming (now that Missandei has clarified the translation) that Azor Ahai is actually Dany, the princess who was promised?
How can Grey Worm do the fucc if he has no dicc?
Love GOT
Greatest season ever
Can I just something unrelated, Carice Van Outen is so beautiful to me. Perfect face structure.
Luv iT!!!!
But that's just a theory… a Game (of Thrones) Theroy!
Hot blonde girl with long hair has already won. She has arial supremacy (dragons) and she is sitting on a mountain of dragon glass. The only thing she has to do now is to wait and let the army of the dead do their thing.
Charles –
Is Sweet Robyn Little finger's son?
He said "I was so close to saying A name"
remember Mel told Arya they would meet again too…
Is anyone else lik thirteen and incredibly intrigued by gendry and arya?
how cool would that be
Amazing vid
will any other show ever beat this ? It's so great
So hyped tho..
Why are we so excited to watch some of our favorite characters probably die?
Awesome video!!
Oh shit. This is the very first time I'm hearing Sam Tarly's voice outside of GOT and I hate the fact that he speaks differently from the way he speaks in GOT.I like hearing his GOT voice.
Lol is 7:00 the confirmation of the Ice Dragon theory?
I will be turning off my phone on SUNDAY!!! I'm so excited.
I dont think Gendry will show up. It seems the TV show closed his story line when he left Dragonstone. Perhaps we'll se him in a spin off show.
I mean its weird no one talks about the fact that jamie will most likely kill cersi when she goes a bit more mad, and then he will end up killing himself too. to show his ever lasting love for her.
Love your posts, stay awesome!
I'm so stoked for season 7!
Podrick is my favorite!!
Love your work
You are amazing. Thank you for all you great GoT-videos!
Sur Jaime Lannister, The Dragonslayer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐ฎ
This has been the longest wait ever. One more week to go. Sadly, i think, between your channel and so many other channels with GoT news I already know pretty much everything that is going to happen, now its just being strapped in for the cinematic effect.