“Game Of Thrones” actress Sophie Turner just made a furry new friend. 

Turner, who plays Sansa Stark, posted a photo of her brand new puppy on Instagram Saturday. Her dog, Porky Basquiat, looks like the perfect breed to withstand harsh and cold winters. 

He definitely has the Stark look to him, don’t you think?  

“Meet the newest addition to the krew @porkybasquiat,” Turner captioned the photo.

And of course Porky already has an Instagram account with five photos, including adorable puppy selfies. 

The newest addition to House Stark also already has nearly 40,000 followers. It didn’t take much to build Porky’s fanbase, but let’s hope they are all as loyal as the north. 

Because as a certain Stark once told us, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives.

He may not be a direwolf, but Porky looks just as fierce as his mother. 



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